The CNA Fellowship program supports and nurtures future generations of scholars and specialists in Netherlandish Art. Through mentorship and access to the MFA’s rich collections, resources, and research facilities, fellows jointly further their professional development and are part of an active learning community. The CNA seeks to build a global cohort of fellows and foster meaningful connections to enhance the field of Netherlandish Art as a whole.
CNA fellowships provide opportunities for talented individuals at different stages of their careers—from recent MA graduates to emerging scholars at the postdoctoral level—to conduct independent research connected to the MFA’s collection of Netherlandish art. This may include preparation for submission of a PhD proposal, dissertation research and writing, and preparing a publication, among other research activities. To encourage creative thinking and new scholarship, the program is open to individuals in all professional and academic fields. The CNA acknowledges the continued need to make the field of Netherlandish Art more inclusive and equitable, and seeks to foster professionals of all identities and nationalities representing a range of backgrounds, prior experiences, and research priorities. Fellows are drawn from a highly competitive international application pool and receive a workspace in the CNA Library. Compensation includes a salary and travel allowance, as well as a generous benefits package.
Fellows are fully incorporated into the work of the MFA and may consult on projects related to their research. They also share their research through the CNA’s and MFA’s public programs and online platforms to benefit a range of audiences.
For additional information, visit: www.mfa.org/collections/center-for-netherlandish-art/fellowships
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