Announcing the program for the international workshop, Fake in the art market, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Online, 21 June 2021
with the contribution of
University of Bologna Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA)
Department of Statistical Sciences “Paolo Fortunati”
Department of the Arts
Part of the ISA Topic 2020 – “Il falso”
Project: “Art of fake, fake in art and in the art market”
First Session – Art frauds: social sciences and law perspectives (9.15-0:30)
Attribution Stigma and Contagion: How did the art auction market react to Australian ‘Black art scandals’?
Tim R.L. Fry (RMIT), Erica Coslor (University of Melbourne)
From Fortunes to Fakes: Forgeries that Created an Awareness in the Art Market
Saskia Hufnagel (Queen Mary University)
The impact of changes in attribution on returns
Elena Stepanova (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
Fighting fakes and forgeries to protect the legitimate interests, of whom?
Anna Pirri Valentini (LUISS Guido Carli)
Keynote Speaker: Elisabetta Lazzaro (University for the Creative Arts) – (10:30 – 11:00)
From analogue to digital art market: Some economic implications of copies and fakes
Second session – Forgery across centuries and arts (11:15 – 13:00)
“The Man in the Gold Helmet”: Bode’s restored “Rembrandt”
Dorothee Wimmer (Technische Universität Berlin)
Fakes in the Art Market: the case of pre-Columbian arts
Ninon Bour (Panthéon-Sorbonne University)
Fake to Boot: Forgeries of Russian Avant-Garde on the Italian Peninsula
Konstantin Akinsha (Russian Avant-Garde Research Project)
Giovanni Bastianini in the Making: an Iconographic Account
Virginia Magnaghi (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Faking copies? Counterfeits and disloyal production of plaster casts in the Atelier de Moulage du Musée du Louvre under the direction of Eugène Arrondelle (1880-1907)
Milena Gallipoli (Universidad Nacional de San Martín)
Detection & Predictability: Fakes & the Florentine Dealer Stefano Bardini
Lynn Catterson (Columbia University)
Keynote Speaker: Anne-Sophie Radermecker (Erasmus University Rotterdam and Université Libre de Bruxelles) (14:00 – 14:30)
Revisiting the Early Modern Economics of “Fakes”: A Historiographical Perspective
Third Session – Detecting forgery: scientific approaches (14:30 – 16:00)
Using science to unmask fake Order of the Cincinnati decoration on Chinese export porcelain
Shirley M. Mueller (Indiana University)
The Forger’s identikit: a multi-technique approach to detect fakes on art market based on Pippo Oriani’s case study
Chiara Manfriani(Università di Firenze), Gilda Guerisoli (Comando CC TPC), Ludovica Ruggiero (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre), Chiara Lucarelli (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre), Luca Tortora(Università degli Studi di Roma Tre), Stefano Ridolfi (Ars Mensurae), Giuliana Calcani (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre), Armida Sodo(Università degli Studi di Roma Tre)
Artistic forgery in Portugal and its relationship with laboratory expertise
Diana de Almeida Ramos (University of Lisbon)
Developing rigorous protocols of authentication: the future of science and AI
Denis Moiseev (Hephaestus Analytical)
Establishing proof of forgery in varying contexts: the challenge of the historian of art technology
Jilleen Nadolny (ArtDiscovery)
Keynote Speaker: Naomi Oosterman (Erasmus University Rotterdam and Centre for Global Heritage and Development) (16:15 – 16:45)
“Deauthenticating” cultural objects: The use of forgeries and replicas for the trafficking of cultural objects
Roundtable – Keeping track of art market fakes: can different sources be integrated? (16:45 – 17:45)
Andrea Bacchi (Fondazione Zeri and Università di Bologna), Francesca Marini (International Studies Institute Florence), Raffaella Morselli (Università di Teramo), Maria Cristina Paoluzzi (Dorotheum Wien/Rome), Carme Ruiz (Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí)
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