The German Lost Art Foundation will present a three-part series of discussions with descendants of Jewish art collectors over this summer. The format continues from its introduction in 2021 during the festival year “#2021JLID – Jewish Life in Germany”.
Jewish patrons and collectors had an important role in German cultural life since the nineteenth century. As the National Socialists rose to power, they were persecuted and disenfranchised and their property seized and looted. Many formerly prominent art collections are still dispersed today and their collectors are frequently forgotten. The German Lost Art Foundation funds projects with descendants where their lost heritage is reconstructed, recalling a vital part of cultural history. Three conversations with Alfred Fass, Rafael Cardoso, and Johannes Nathan will chronicle the search for lost collections of their families and the reconstruction of memory.
11 July, 6 pm: Alfred Fass in conversation with Yana Slavova and Uwe Hartmann (digital)
Alfred Fass is the great-grandson of Nuremberg toy manufacturer Abraham Adelsberger (1863-1940), who owned an art collection of at least 1,000 objects. After his company Fischer & Co. ran into financial difficulties at the end of the 1920s, Adelsberger used parts of the collection as loan collateral with lenders such as Dresdner Bank. The Abraham Adelsberger Art Research Project of the Institute for Art History at Freie Universität Berlin, funded by the German Lost Art Foundation, reconstructs the collection and also investigates the role of banks in monetizing the objects. While Abraham Adelsberger sold works of art at auction before 1933, the family lost the remainder of the collection due to Nazi persecution. In 1939, Abraham Adelsberger fled with his wife Clothilde to Amsterdam, where he died in 1940. Clothilde Adelsberger was deported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1943 and survived the Holocaust.
The conversation will be held in English.
Alfred Fass is a businessman and historian in Israel.
Yana Slavova is a research associate in the “Abraham Adelsberger Art Research Project” at the Art History Institute of the Freie Universität Berlin.
Dr. Uwe Hartmann is head of the Department for Cultural Property Losses in Europe in the 20th Century at the German Lost Art Foundation.
The event will be held online via Webex. Registration is free but necessary up until the day before the event. Participants will receive access details on the day of the event.
25 July, 6 pm: Rafael Cardoso in conversation with Catherine Hickley (digital)
Born in Brazil, Rafael Cardoso grew up knowing nothing of the fate of his great-grandfather Hugo Simon. It was only after he found a chest of drawers full of documents in his grandparents’ estate in São Paulo that he began to work through the history of the persecution of his German-Jewish family. The banker, pacifist and politician Hugo Simon (1880-1950), was an influential man in 1920s Berlin who after the 1918 November Revolution briefly became Prussian finance minister. Simon was also instrumental in establishing the Neue Department at the National Gallery. He himself owned one of the most important art collections in Berlin with around 200 works. When Hugo Simon was forced to flee Germany in 1933, he was able to take most of the collection abroad, but from 1934 he was forced to successively sell works of art and lost others during the German occupation in Paris. At the end of the war, in exile in Brazil, Hugo Simon could only dispose of a few works. His great-grandson Rafael Cardoso, in a project sponsored by the Foundation together with the Art History Department of the University of Hamburg, is dedicated to the reconstruction of the collection and the search for its whereabouts.
The conversation will be held in English.
Prof. Dr. Rafael Cardoso is an art historian and writer who now lives in Berlin.
Catherine Hickley writes as a journalist for The Art Newspaper and The New York Times, among others. She is also chief curator of the Berend Lehmann Museum in Halberstadt.
The event will be held online via Webex. Registration is free but necessary up until the day before the event. Participants will receive access details on the day of the event.
1 September, 6:30 pm: Johannes Nathan in conversation with Lea Rosh (in person event at the Liebermann Villa on Wannsee and online)
Johannes Nathan is a descendant of Hugo Helbing (1863-1938), who until 1935 was one of the leading art dealers and auctioneers in Europe and amassed a significant art collection. In addition to his main business in Munich, Helbing maintained a branch in Frankfurt am Main and an office in Berlin and worked closely with the Berlin art dealer Paul Cassirer. His auctions were considered social events, and he was highly decorated for his services to the Bavarian State Painting Collections. After 1933, his business fell on hard times. On the night of the pogrom, Hugo Helbing was attacked in his apartment and so badly maltreated that he succumbed to his injuries on November 30, 1938. Two days later, the forced liquidation of his art business began, and the collection was seized from his heirs. In a project funded by the Foundation in cooperation with Meike Hopp of the Institute for Art History and Historical Urban Studies at the Technical University of Berlin, the collection is currently being reconstructed as far as possible and the whereabouts of the artworks clarified.
Dr. Johannes Nathan is an art historian and art dealer in Potsdam and Zurich, TIAMSA Co-Chair and chairman of the Max Liebermann Society Berlin e.V.
Lea Rosh is a multi-award-winning author and publicist.
The conversation will be held in German.
For the event on September 1 in the Liebermann Villa, please register by August 25. In addition, the event will be streamed online. You will find the link shortly before the event here.
The events on 11 July and 25 July will be held online via Webex. Registration is free but necessary up until the day before the event. Participants will receive access details on the day of the event.
Registration via:
Heinrich Natho
Press Office German Lost Art Foundation
Telephone +49 (0) 391 727 763-23
By registering and participating you give permission to the organisers to make photo, sound, and video recordings during the event and use these in connection with the event for public relations and documentation in analogue and digital format (in accordance with German law § 22 KunstUrhG). The organisers will gather, process, and use your personal data in line with the statutory duties of the German Lost Art Foundation.
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