The online journal transfer – Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte | Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection is an academic publication platform in the area of provenance research and the history of collection as well as adjacent fields of investigation, like art market studies, reception history, cultural sociology, or legal history. Annual issues will be published exclusively online in open access (diamond). Research articles, to be submitted in English or German, are subject to a double-blind peer-review process.
Other submissions will undergo an internal evaluation by the editors supported by the advisory board. All articles receive professional copy-editing. The journal is based at the Research Centre for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law at the University of Bonn and receives funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG).
For the table of contents of vol. 1, visit:
For more information on the journal, visit: journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/transfer/index.
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