Nationalist Internationalism: International Exhibition of Chinese Art, 1935, University of Hong Kong, University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG)
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
1:00-2:00pm HKT (7:00-8:00am CET)
Registration link: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&UEID=80864
Event website: https://www.umag.hku.hk/event/nationalist-internationalism-international-exhibition-of-chinese-art-1935/
Dr. Xing Zhao, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Design, School of Arts, Nanjing University, China
Discussant: Prof. Selina Chui Fun Ho, Assistant Professor and Acting Head at the Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University of Hong Kong
This presentation focuses on the “International Exhibition of Chinese Art” (1935) in London, which deployed art for public diplomacy and spoke a modern international language that embodied the rising awareness of national culture as promoted by the League of Nations. While the Republican government lacked the fundamental economic and military infrastructure critical for navigating the modern world, the alternative system of soft power and brand nationalism rooted in culture, tradition, and morality assumed the responsibility of communicating a unified image of China as a modern nation-state to the domestic and global audiences.
The lecture is part of UMAG’s online lecture series on modern and contemporary Chinese visual arts. Researchers share cutting-edge study on Chinese visual arts and culture. Speakers address different artistic medium and art forms, socio-cultural contexts, spatiality and tran-national and trans-regional movement of Chinese artists, and how they address and answer new research questions and enhance the shared understanding of Chinese visual arts and the broader Chinese society. The lecture is in English.
Registration Instruction Registration is open from 08/04/2022 00:00(HKT) to 13/05/2022 00:00(HKT) on a first-come-first-served basis. The registration quota for this event is 200. Registrants will be placed on a waiting list if the registration quota is reached.
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