ANN: New Getty Library Research Grant opportunities, some for undergraduates & graduate students – application deadline April 30

Announcing new specialized Getty Library Research Grant opportunities, generously funded by a Getty Research Institute Council member. 

Two grants are specifically designed to encourage research in primary sources by advanced undergraduate and early stage graduate students. 

4 Grants of $1,500 each will be awarded as follows: 

• Research opportunity specifically for an advanced undergraduate majoring in art history, architectural history, or studio art, to conduct research in the library’s GRI’s special collections and library.
• Research opportunity specifically for a graduate student in the early stages of a graduate program (pre-M.A. or equivalent) in art history, architectural history, or studio art to conduct research in the GRI’s special collections and library.
• Research project focusing on an aspect of the art criticClement Greenberg’s work utilizing the Clement Greenberg papers.
• Research involving the library’s special collections that focus on published and unpublished resources about the scientific aspects of materials used in the production of art, such as paper, pigments, textiles, and plastics. 

Applications are now being accepted and are available online at: 

The deadline is April 30, 2019 for grants to be used between July 8, 2019 and December 20, 2019. Please contact GRI Library Reference with any questions: