The history of collecting in Europe and even more in the America of the 1920s and 1930s would be impossible to imagine without the figure of Joseph Duveen. Very little is known, however, about the decisive role he played in the creation of the State Art Collection in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929-1938) and the influence he had on the politics of collecting of this newly-founded country on the Balkans.
This presentation aims to shed more light not only on the role of Joseph Duveen in the foundation of the State Art Collection, but also on the rarely discussed collaboration and friendship between Prince Paul of Yugoslavia and Joseph Duveen. This most successful “joint venture” between a Royal Prince and a Prince of Dealers profoundly shaped the State Art Collection (SAC). It also made possible the foundation of the Museum of Modern Art in Belgrade and of Prince Paul’s personal collection.
Jelena Todorovic studied Art History (1993-1998) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade before gaining her MA and PhD at University College London (UCL – 1998-2004), where she worked as a teaching assistant and part-time lecturer. In 2005, she transferred to the University of the Arts in Belgrade where she presently teaches in the Faculty of Fine Arts as Full Professor.
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Please remember to take a look at our new exhibition page and to send us your proposal for the first ever full-day zoom workshop on Issues of Provenance by the end of April!
We look forward to welcoming you!
Andrea Gáldy, CCE
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