ANN: Reconstruction of the lost works of art from the property of the Munich Art Dealers Siegfried, Betty and Walter Lämmle (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich – 17 Oct 2024, 17:00-18:30)

The Munich art dealer Siegfried Lämmle, who was persecuted for being Jewish, was expelled from the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts on August 28, 1935, which amounted to a professional ban. He was forced to close his art shop. Both the inventory and – as far as is currently known – the objects from the family’s private collection were subsequently sold under duress, or confiscated: the business was given up in June 1937 at the latest and the inventory was sold in several auctions by the Munich auction house Adolf Weinmüller. As part of the preparation for emigration, the belongings were deposited with a Munich furniture shipping company. The family emigrated to the USA at the end of September 1938. In November 1938, the items stored at the shipping company were confiscated by the Gestapo and “processed” without the Lämmle family being able to dispose of the proceeds. After their citizenship was revoked in May 1939, the Lämmle family’s assets were forfeited to the German Reich.

The aim of the project is to identify objects owned by the Lämmle family and the Lämmle Art Gallery that were lost during National Socialism, in particular after the summer of 1935, to research the context of the losses and to determine the current location of the objects.

The project is based on a cooperation with Nina McGehee (Denver), granddaughter of Gertrude Lämmle and great-granddaughter of Siegfried and Betty Lämmle. The ZI is also cooperating in this project with the Holocaust Claims Processing Office of the New York State Department of Financial Services (HCPO), which is working with the descendants of the Lämmle family.


17:00 | Welcome | Begrüßung durch Dominik Brabant, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte | Greetings | Grußwort von Gilbert Lupfer, Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, Magdeburg

17:05 | Nina & Rex McGehee // On the Occasion of the Project Launch

17:20 | Melida Steinke // Jewish art dealers in Munich during National Socialism – a brief overview

17:35 | Meike Hopp, TU Berlin // Lämmle and Weinmüller, or: How Lämmle research started

17:45 | Stephan Klingen, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte // Lämmle-Helbing und Lämmle-Böhler

17:55 | Anna-Lena Schneider, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte // Lämmle: Known sources and the current state of research

18:15 | Questions and Answers


The event will be held in English and German. The event will be broadcast exclusively via Zoom:, Meeting ID: 856 5934 5839 Password: 148258. Recording the event or parts of the event as well as screenshots are not permitted. By participating, you accept these terms of use. No attendance in person.

For the programme in German and additional information, visit: