Round Table ‘From Genoa to London: Four Centuries of Collecting Raphael’ London Art Week
Digital / online – 3 Dec 2020, 5pm GMT
London Art Week inaugurated its first and highly acclaimed Symposium in December 2019, held at the National Gallery; this year the LAW Symposium will take place online, across three days (1-3 Dec), and will mark the 500th anniversary of Raphael’s death.
For this edition, LAW is working closely with Ana Debenedetti, Curator of Paintings and Lead Curator of the Raphael Cartoons project at the Victoria & Albert Museum.
For the final discussion of the London Art Week 2020 Symposium on 3 December, the speakers will explore the fortune of Raphael and his school in early-modern collections across Europe, focusing not only on the more widely known works on canvas but also on the afterlife of drawings and other media such as tapestry cartoons.
Dr Piero Boccardo, Superintendent of the Collections of the Municipality of Genoa
Dr Carly Collier, Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings, Royal Collection Trust, Windsor
Dr Marzia Faietti, Research Associate, Kunsthistorisches Institut (Max-Planck-Institut), Florence
Prof David Ekserdjian, Professor of Art and Film History, University of Leicester
More information on London Art Week and the 2020 symposium: https://londonartweek.co.uk/2020symposiumraphael/
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