ANN: Some Like it Digital: NFT Market Places 24/7 (Online, 1 Nov 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT)

Centre for Art Law New York
Centre for Art Law New York

NFTs, increasingly ubiquitous, and somehow rare, because non-fungible, have captured the imagination of the creatives and the speculative alike. Assuming NFTs are here to stay, overpriced or not, the question is where does one go to make/get/or sell an NFT and why? What should artists and collectors keep in mind when they decide to invest time and get involved with NFT marketplaces.

Join a conversation with Elena Zavelev, founder and CEO of New Art Academy and CADAF (now with a market place using Tezos), Sarah Conley Odenkirk, IP and art law attorney, partner at Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard, LLP and Irina Tarsis, Founding Director of Center for Art Law, for a discussion on NFT marketplaces, 24/7.

Speakers will discuss what different NFT marketplaces have to offer, types of wallets to bring for the ride, the challenges and experiences of working with blockchains as well as (smart) contracts. What questions artists and collectors might want to ask when choosing the right platform and whether all NFT marketplaces are equal?
