Keynote speech by Dr Tom Stammers, Courtauld Institute of Art, first given on 25 September
2024 at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon
In 2024 a three-day colloquium, entitled ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative
Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums’, was held at the Musée des
Beaux-Arts in Lyon. The conference formed part of a wider project directed by Dr Camille
Mestdagh on the market for decorative arts: OBJECTive – ANR ACCESS
ERC/Université Lumière Lyon-2, LARHRA: OBJECTive – ANR Objects Through the Art
Market: A Global Perspective – LARHRA ( An
international cast of over 30 scholars from Britain, Europe, the United States and South
America gave papers on every aspect of the market for the decorative arts in the long
nineteenth century. The conference organisers, Camille Mestdagh and Diana Davis, would
like to thank Tom Stammers for kindly reprising his keynote conference speech for TIAMSA
members. Dr Tom Stammers is Reader in Art and Cultural History at the Courtauld Institute
of Art where he is teaching the history of the art market within the new MA on Art &
Please find the recording of the Keynote address here: Link