Apply Now: “Currents and Currency. Cultural Circulations in the Mediterranean and Beyond.” June 13-15, 2019, Antalya

We invite abstract submissions for the 3-day workshop ‘Currents and Currency. Cultural Circulations in the Mediterranean and Beyond’, to be held in Antalya, Turkey, at the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Center for Mediterranean Civilizations (AKMED) on June 13-15, 2019. Antalya is a Mediterranean inlet, with an overlapping archive of historical legacies, and Turkeyʼs gateway to its southern Mediterranean shores.

The current emphasis on migrations and cultural circulations in humanities corresponds to a re-turn to theMediterranean in literary and cultural studies.Currents and Currency: Cultural Circulations in the Mediterranean and Beyondaims to bring togethercultural works that constitute alternative archives of the Mediterraneanin order toreassessthe current geographical divides that shape typical understandingsof the Mediterranean and beyond. It thusopens upcomparative paradigms that suggestnewperspectives on translation, circulation, migration, art, and literature.What can circulation and currency tell us about current Mediterranean cultural productions? How do they travel? Do they leave traces?

​We encourage submissions engaging with diverse Mediterranean cultural and artistic productions from the 19th to the 21st century, including, but not limitedto:literature,photography,artistic productions, travel narratives, cinema, and documentaries, as well as TV series.

​All workshop participants will be eligible for travel assistance/funding (details below).

We are particularly interested in the following topics:

– Cultural circulations in the Mediterranean ambient

– “Mediterranean literatures”and/or“Mediterranean art” ascategories of analysis

– Colonialism and imperialismin the modern Mediterranean

-Migration and the Mediterranean

– Mediterranean Archives

– The Black Mediterranean

– A “Mediterranean Turn” in literary studies

– Mediterranean Literature as World Literature

– Gender and sexuality in the Mediterranean basin

-Conceptual, temporal, and geographical bridges of/in the Mediterranean

– “Non-Mediterranean”works on the Mediterranean

– Connecting/Comparative Seas (Black Sea, Marmara Sea, and Red Sea in particular)

-Mediterranean“Blind spots” or “neglected”Mediterranean (Literary traditions, productions, and/or time periods that do not receive adequateattention in a Mediterranean framework)

Application procedure

300 word abstracts and abbreviated CVs are to be sent to C. Ceyhun Arslan and Megan C. MacDonald ( and by January 15, 2019.

Weare attentive tothediversity of participants in terms of career stage and geographicalbase, and particularly encourage ABDs, early-career, and mid-career researchers to apply.

​Workshop format

Workshop papers will be pre-circulated among participants, and participants will be expected to send a short draft of their paper (8-10 pages) by May 15, 2019.

The workshop will be conducted in English.

We plan to follow the workshop with a special journal issue basedon the workshop theme.


“Currents and Currency:CulturalCirculationsin the Mediterranean and Beyond” is funded byMarie-SklodowskaCurie Actions(Grant No795465) under the Horizon 2020 Framework of the European Commission.

​The following expenses will be coveredfor all participants:

– Accommodation for up to three nights

-Breakfast and lunchduring the workshop days, and group dinners (two nights)

– On-site trips in Antalya

– One round-trip economy ticket to Antalya(ticketsreimbursedup to 500 Euros).

Should you have any questions or concerns about theworkshop, please do not hesitate to contactus.

​We look forward to welcoming you to Antalya,​

C.CeyhunArslan and Megan C. MacDonald

C. Ceyhun Arslan – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellow (2018-2020) Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature Koç University, Istanbul

Megan C. MacDonald – EURIAS fellow (2018-2019)​ Fondation IMéRA, Université Aix-Marseille (Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND Programme – FP7) Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature Koç University, Istanbul