Artl@as Bulletin 5: GeoMap project ONLINE: Mapping Paris art dealers 1815-1955

Building upon a preliminary socioeconomic analysis of the art dealers in Paris between 1815 and 1955 (ARTL@S Bulletin 2, n°2), this paper presents the findings of a spatial study of the Parisian art market in this period. Using serial geographical data drawn from a single, consistent source – the Bottin du commerce – we mapped the spatial evolution of art dealers over 140 years, using a geocoding system with composite locators. The article explores the different spatial dynamics of this market, and seeks to shed light on the links between the evolution of the Parisian economy as a whole and the individual trajectories of its art dealers.

Artl@as Bulletin 5, no. 1, GeoMAP – Géographie du
marché de l’art parisien


GeoMAP stands for Geographie du marché de l’art parisien and it maps all the “marchands de tableaux” (art dealers) that were mentioned in the Bottin du commerce, in Paris, from 1815 through 1955. The articles giving further details can be found here, for the statistic and quantitative approach, and here, for the mapping of the Parisian art dealers. GeoMAP project is an open access database. Researchers can look up and visualize art dealers in Paris by using the timeline or navigate the map : the GeoMAP project is thus both a repository of the Parisian dealers, and a tool of visualization.

GeoMAP was developed by Julien Cavero, who is cartographer at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Labex TranferS) and the data were collected by Félicie de Maupeou and Léa Saint-Raymond.
The website will be available in English soon.