ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Julie Verlaine, Nathalie Moureau, Léa Saint-Raymond, Alice Ensabella and Agnès Penot, Historie des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XIX siècle. (Online, 30 Jan 2025, 18:00 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its thirteenth book discussion: Histoire des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XXI siècle (Flammarion, 2024). The authors Julie Verlaine(University of Tours), Nathalie Moureau (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier),…
ANN: Van Dyck, AI and Art History / Belgian Art Market Players 1933-1960 (Forum Kunst & Markt Lectures 2025, TU Berlin, 20 Jan / 10 Feb, 18:15-19:45 CET)
The Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin cordially invites you to two forthcoming lectures: 20 January 2025, 18:15-19:45 CET Nils Büttner, Stuttgart, and Carina Popovici, Zurich:Van…
ANN: Albert-Ottenbacher-Fellowship for Provenance Research 2025 (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich)
The Albert Ottenbacher Fellowship, sponsored by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte e.V. CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT, supports research projects on provenance research in the broadest sense. The fellowship is named in…
ANN: ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the Decorative Arts 1792-1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors and Museums’ (Keynote speech by Dr Tom Stammers)
Keynote speech by Dr Tom Stammers, Courtauld Institute of Art, first given on 25 September2024 at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon In 2024 a three-day colloquium, entitled ‘The Commerce and Circulation of the…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Julie Verlaine,Nathalie Moureau, Léa Saint-Raymond Alice Ensabella and Agnès Penot, Historie des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XIX siècle. (Online, 30 Jan 2025, 18:00 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its thirteenth book discussion: Histoire des galeries d’art en France du XIX au XXI siècle (Flammarion, 2024). The authors Julie Verlaine(University of Tours), Nathalie Moureau (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier),…
ANN: TIAMSA Season’s Greetings and Holiday Updates
Dear Subscribers, As we share our final announcements for 2024, we would like to update you on a few important developments:
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi, Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990. (Online,13 Dec 2024, 18:30 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its twelfth book discussion: Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024).Author Caterina Toschi (University for Foreigners of Siena) will discuss her new book,followed by…
CONF: École thématique LA RECHERCHE DE PROVENANCE Objets, méthodes, actualités (Université Grenoble Alpes, 14 – 18 avril 2025)
Organisée par Alice Ensabella, Djamila Fellague et Marlen Schneider (avec le soutien de la Faculté H3S, du LARHRA et du LUHCIE) APPEL À CANDIDATURES (dans la limite de 20 places) Au cœur des…
ANN: Ars Auro Prior- Restitution of Lost and Stolen Art Work- International Seminar
International seminar “Ars Auro Prior – Restitution of Lost and Stolen Art Works” will take place this year at the University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Law and Administration on 10th December. Online participation…