PUB: Nazi-Era Provenance of Museum Collections. A research guide by Jacques Schuhmacher (UCL Press 2024 / open access)
When we look at the artworks on display in museums, there is always a real possibility that some of these objects once belonged to victims of the Nazis – a possibility that has…
ANN: Presentazione del libro Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940-1990 a cura di Véronique Chagnon-Burke e Caterina Toschi, Bloomsbury Publishing (22 OTTOBRE 2024, ORE 16:00-18:00, MLAC)
Il MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea della Sapienza Università di Roma è lieto di ospitare la presentazione del libro Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940-1990, a cura di Véronique Chagnon-Burke…
ANN: Reconstruction of the lost works of art from the property of the Munich Art Dealers Siegfried, Betty and Walter Lämmle (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich – 17 Oct 2024, 17:00-18:30)
The Munich art dealer Siegfried Lämmle, who was persecuted for being Jewish, was expelled from the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts on August 28, 1935, which amounted to a professional ban. He was…
Les galeries d’art, intermédiaires méconnues entre les créateurs et leur public, sont au cœur de cet ouvrage. Cinq spécialistes – historiennes, historiennes de l’art et économistes – s’appuient sur les recherches les…
CONF: Art and Diplomacy (TU Berlin, 10 Oct 2024)
Since the 19th century, the interplay between art and diplomacy has been complex and multifaceted. From circulating objects that mediate political identities to diverse actors in diplomatic roles, and the transformation of spaces…
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Kathryn Brown, Art Auctions: Spectacle and Value in the 21st Century. (Online, 03 Oct 2024, 18:00 CET)
IAMSA is pleased to announce its eleventh book discussion: Art Auctions: Spectacle and Value in the 21st Century (Lund Humphries and Sotheby’s Institute of Art, 2024). Author Kathryn Brown (Loughborough University) will discuss her new…
ANN: Highlights from the 7th Annual Conference of TIAMSA Multiple Art Markets in an Expanding World: Artists, Agents, Networks, Exchange (University of Melbourne, 10-13 July 2024)
TIAMSA would like to extend a warm thank you to all the participants, our convenors Dr Georgina S. Walker and Associate Professor Christopher R. Marshall, the University of Melbourne and Faculty of Arts…
ANN: Certificate of Advanced Studies – Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär (HK Bern, 2025)
Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär – Professionalisierung im multidisziplinären Team: Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten und kombinieren Sie diese nutzbringend mit jenen anderer Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten. Der Studiengang: • führt in…
ANN: Book Presentation – Geert Sels: „Kunst voor das Reich / Le trésor de guerre des nazis“ (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, 2 Sep 18:00 CEST, in English)
For a few decades the research on Nazi-looted art was neglected in Belgium. That’s the situation Geert Sels, journalist at the culture desk of the Belgian newspaper “De Standaard”, encountered when he started…