ANN: The Gaddi Gallery in 1636. A rediscovered source for the History of Florentine Collections (Collecting & Display, 2 Dec 2024, 18:00 GMT)
Mariaelena’s PhD project – Overcome the Loss. Rebuilding Gaddi Collection 1500-1800 – aims to reconstruct the Antiquarium, Quadreria and Libreria of one of the most prominent patrons in Florence at the Medici court…
ANN:Evening lecture: Mapping Social Networks in the Service of Provenance Research: The Historic Archive of the Florentine Dealer Stefano Bardini (Dec 4, 2024 – 6:45 pm CET, online)
Evening lecture by Lynn Catterson (Columbia University)Moderated by Matilde Cartolari (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität /Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich) Link to join the online
ANN: TIAMSA Live Book Discussion: Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi, Women Art Dealers: Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990. (Online,13 Dec 2024, 18:30 CET)
TIAMSA is pleased to announce its twelfth book discussion: Women Art DealersCreating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024).Author Caterina Toschi (University for Foreigners of Siena) will discuss her new book,followed by a…
ANN: Louvre Abu Dhabi – Fellowships and Grants Program
Structured around three thematic axes—Global History of Museums and Collections, Circulation of Styles, Images and Texts and Precious Materials and Routes of Exchange—the program will address key topics of art historical scholarship, while…
ANN: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Provenance Research (Université de Neuchâtel, 2025)
Provenance research has become one of the main disciplines in museum work. It refers to investigations designed to retrace the history of an object, whatever its nature, from its creation or discovery. More…
ANN: Updates to TIAMSA Membership Fee
Dear TIAMSA member, Thank you for being a member of TIAMSA – The International Art Market Studies Association. At TIAMSA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2023, and confirmed at the AGM in 2024,…
ANN: Online Course on Due Diligence in the Antiquities Market
The Art Market Academy introduces “Due Diligence in the Antiquities Market,” a critical online course led by forensic archaeologist Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis, renowned for his expertise in combating illicit antiquities trafficking. Designed for…
ANN: Certificate of Advanced Studies – Werkzuschreibung und Provenienzrecherche interdisziplinär (Fachhochschule Bern – Jan-Sept 2025)
Professionalisierung im multidisziplinären Team: Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorkenntnisse und Fähigkeiten und kombinieren Sie diese nutzbringend mit jenen anderer Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten. Der Studiengang: • führt in Grundlagen, Methodik und Praxis der…
ANN: The Art Basel & UBS Survey of Global Collecting 2024 By Arts Economics
To provide insights into the activities and attitudes of collectors The Art Basel and UBS Survey of Global Collecting 2024 authored by Clare McAndrew of Arts Economics, presents the results of research carried…