ANN: Deadline Extended – International Summer School – Art Markets: An Integrated Perspective (Lisbon, 10-14 Jul 2023)
Inspired by the success of the two previous Art Markets Summer School held in Lyon, in June 2019, and in Antwerp-Brussel, in July 2022, a third edition of this unique research, training and networking experience…
JOB: 2 Joint-Fellowships “Provenance research“ (SM Berlin / Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Istanbul)
The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ‒ Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SMB ‒ SPK) and Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) invite applications for two newly established SMB-ANAMED Joint Fellowships in Provenance Research…
JOB: Research roles (4) – MOOVA (Making old objects valuable again: the cultural, economic challenges, and sustainability opportunities of antiques in the 21st century); Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
In the scope of her ERC StG, Dr. Anne-Sophie Radermecker (ULB) is assembling a team of highly motivated researchers to work on the economy of antiques for the project, MOOVA (Making old objects…
ANN: “Coexistence of Organisms and Communities”, Summer School at the Galerie 35m2 Collective (Prague, 20-22 July 2023)
The Galerie 35m2 collective announces an open call for the first edition of the Summer School with the subtitle “Coexistence of Organisms and Communities”. The event will take place from July 20 to…
ANN: Three Grants for Nazi-Era Provenance Research (Christie’s)
Christie’s is delighted to announce the 2023 Christie’s Grant for Nazi-Era Provenance Research. The Grant, to be offered to three recipients (£5,000 each), will fund forward-thinking academic, post-graduate research into subjects related to…
ANN: Call for Applications – Executive Master in Cultural Leadership
Join other international executive students on this unique 24-month master’s programme which brings together cultural leaders, world-class practitioners, experts and academics to provide a 360-degree view of the arts and culture industries. Designed…
JOB: 2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/-innen Provenienzforschung (80%, befristet bis Ende 2025)
Das Kunsthaus Zürich ist ein traditionsreiches Museum, das mit seiner bedeutenden Sammlung und einem überdurchschnittlich reichen Angebot an Wechselausstellungen ein breites Publikum, weit über die Landes-grenzen hinaus, anzusprechen vermag. Die Grafische Sammlung zählt…
JOB: Projektkoordinator:in “Provenienzforschung und Informationswissenschaft” (Freunde und Förderer des Leo Baeck Instituts e.V., Berlin)
Wir suchen eine:n Projektkoordinator:in mit Erfahrung in der Provenienzforschung und Informationswissenschaft, der:die in der Lage ist, ein internationales Ausstellungsprojekt (online & onsite) zu betreuen, konzeptionell zu begleiten und seine Durchführung zu koordinieren. Der…
ANN: International Summer School – Art Markets: An Integrated Perspective (Lisbon, 10-14 Jul 2023)
Inspired by the success of the two previous Art Markets Summer School held in Lyon, in June 2019, and in Antwerp-Brussel, in July 2022, a third edition of this unique research, training and networking experience…