With support from the Andrew W. Mellon grant, the Department of Art History of the University of Delaware and the Scientific and Analysis Laboratory of the Conservation Department of the Winterthur Museum, Library & Garden will organize a one-day workshop, “Detective Art History: Art & Material Sciences” on Saturday November 2, 2024. The workshop will examine furniture, paintings and prints, and ways in which materials science and conservation assessments have led to the re-evaluation of those objects’ histories, provenances, dates of manufacture, and conditions.
The Department of Art History will cover the cost of registration and the organizers will provide lunch, snacks and coffee for the participants. If you would like to participate, please send 1) a 250-word-statement of interest; 2) current CV. All applications must be sent to “arthistory@udel.edu” by October 18, 2024. The selections will be announced by October 23, 2024.
Participants are asked to arrive by 9:30am at Winterthur. Maps and directions will be provided to applicants who are successfully selected. The workshop will conclude by 4:30pm. Applicants should have their own means and ability to travel to Winterthur Museum. The closest train station is Wilmington Train Station (WIL), 1 hour from Baltimore, 1.5 Hour from Washington DC., and less than 2 hour from New York City. There are also ample parking spaces on site.
Contact Email: arthistory@udel.edu
Source of this call: networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20046574/cfa-mellon-workshop-detective-art-history-11022024-winterthur-ud-apply
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