African Ivories in the Atlantic World, 1400-1900
International Conference
University of Lisbon
February 25-27, 2019
Deadline for proposals: October 5th, 2018
The Centre for History of the University of Lisbon (CH-ULisboa) organizes the International Conference African Ivories in the Atlantic World, 1400-1900, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, 25-27 February, 2019.
The organizing committee welcomes paper proposals on the following topics:
- History of the African elephant’s environment, hunting and ecology
- Laboratory methods for testing and preserving African elephant ivories
- Production of ivory objects in Africa and the Americas
- Elephants and ivory: religious significance and power discourse
- Elephant ivory in the history of African art
- African elephant ivories and the history of technical arts
- Ivory and ethnomusicology
- Circulation and trade of raw and carved ivory in Atlantic settings
- Collections and daily uses of African ivories in Europe and the Atlantic World
Proposals should be sent using the following form:
For more information about this conference see:
For further inquiries you can also contact directly TIAMSA member Luís U. Afonso: