Call for papers for special issue of the “Art & Documentation” Journal, No. 25, Autumn/Winter
Issue editors: Małgorzata Kaźmierczak, Karolina Kolenda, Krzysztof Siatka
Deadline for the submission of articles: 1 Jun 2021
In December 2020 the Department of Art Studies at the Pedagogical University of Krakow organised an international academic conference dedicated to the history of exhibiting Polish art abroad from 1918 until today. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, numerous exhibitions contributed to the development of scholarship and the promotion of Polish art, increasing its presence in international art-related discourse. Exhibitions such as “Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes” in Paris in 1925, “EUROPA, EUROPA Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa” at the Kunsthalle in Bonn in 1994, and “Promesses du passé” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris in 2010 are among numerous examples of exhibitions that secured the position of Polish artists in international cultural narratives.
The special issue of “Art & Documentation”, an academic peer-reviewed journal published biannually, will explore the curatorial, institutional, artistic, and cultural contexts of international exhibitions of Polish art to examine global and local impacts, trajectories of development across periods of political and social turmoil, as well as multiple narratives formulated by various actors, both individual as well as collective.
We are seeking original academic papers that address topics related but not limited to the following areas:
1. National official art and art representing the universalist avant-garde at international exhibitions of contemporary art.
2. Reception of Polish art abroad in the period of political transformations and crises in Poland.
3. Reception of Polish museum doctrines in relation to 20th century art and curatorial concepts (Ryszard Stanisławski, Jerzy Ludwiński, the circle of the Foksal Gallery).
4. Global exhibitions and the process of revision of the history of art of the 20th century and developing the history of avant-garde art in Central and Eastern Europe.
5. Foreign curators interested in the exploration of Polish art.
6. Participation of Polish artists in the international movement of performance art (festivals, exchanges, institutions, archives).
7. The history of art as the history of exhibitions: exhibitions of Polish art abroad and the construction of the canon.
Before submitting your paper please check the “For Authors” section at the “Art & Documentation” website and format your paper according to the editorial guidelines available at: http://www.journal.doc.art.pl/english/guidelines_style_menu.html.
To submit an article or request more information please email special issue editor Dr Małgorzata Kaźmierczak at: malgorzata.kazmierczak@up.krakow.pl.
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