Changing Places, Altering Spaces:
The Translocation of Modern Art from 1918 to 1939
AAANZ 2017 – Call for Papers
Session Convenor(s):
DAVID CHALLIS (University of Melbourne) and DIANA J KOSTYRKO (Australian National University)
Submit proposals to: David Martin Challis
It is a remarkable fact that of the thirty-seven paintings representing one of Paul Cézanne’s most iconic motifs, Mont Sainte-Victoire – also one of France’s most recognisable natural geographic features – only one painting from the series can be found in France today. The others are scattered among public and private collections in locations as diverse as Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Zurich, Tokyo, Moscow, New York and Edinburgh. This is an example of how radically art can be removed from its natural and spiritual ‘home’ and it introduces a raft of considerations, one being: does art acculturate as it travels outwards, or might it otherwise be absorbed into an existing canon and even re-contextualized? This session is principally concerned with the dynamics of the modern art market in the interwar period; therefore we invite papers which tackle the phenomenon of the wholesale shifting of artworks out of Europe, for instance, and whether this was driven by entrepreneurial art dealers, auction houses and collectors, for self-interested purposes, or whether there were greater economic, aesthetic or political forces at work. We welcome papers which present case-studies where fashion has dictated collecting practices; when art coming to market has set new trends in acquisition; or instances where an artwork’s reputation has suffered or gained from changing hands, particularly in moving between public and private sectors.
The deadline for proposals is Monday 14 August 2017.
See the AAANZ guidelines here (.pdf)
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