CFP: CIHA Motion – Transformation (Florence, 1-6 Sep 19)

Florence, Italy, September 1 – 06, 2019
Deadline: Jan 15, 2019



The CIHA Italia Committee invites proposals for 8 of the 9 Sessions of the 35° CIHA
World Congress Motion: Transformation
Provide a title, an abstract of 350 – 450 words in length, a short biographical note of
no more than 100 words, a CV, your institutional affiliation (if any), reference
letters from supervisors, a list of publications, etc. Please submit your
proposal uploading all documents as one PDF file at the following link:

Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper, because the
title is what appears online, on social media and in the printed

Please name your submission file and clearly describe in your abstract the case and
the themes you intend to engage with. Your proposal is meant to be pertinent in
the topics of the Session you would like to participate in.


Young scholars, graduate students, PhD students and candidates have the opportunity to attend the Congress presenting a Paper or a Poster, qualifying for grants provided by the Getty Foundation – Los Angeles.

Applicants coming from low GDP countries worldwide are especially welcome.

If you are presenting a proposal for a
Paper, please remember that it is meant to be pertinent in the topics of
the Session you would like to participate in. If you apply for a Poster presentation
instead, it is not necessary to indicate a specific Session.

Applicants for the Getty Grants should not upload their proposals using the platform.

They are instead kindly asked to submit their proposals and documents sending an e-mail at the following address: and pointing out they are applying for the Getty
Foundation grants.

To the grant holders will be given more information once they will receive an
acknowledgement of receipt.

The awarded Papers and Posters will be published on the CIHA Italia Firenze 2019
website as content proceedings of the Congress.

Deadline for submissions: January 15th, 2019

Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2019

Draft paper submission: in the two months prior to the conference the conveners
will be in contact with the Congress organizers and the Chairs to discuss draft
versions of their papers/posters.

the Papers, the Congress organizers are aiming at 20 minutes
presentations + 10 minutes for debating.

Language differences will be accommodated as follows: everyone will be allowed
to speak in their own language, but an English version of their own
contribution is meant to be provided to the Congress organizers and will be
projected on a screen during each talk. Debates will be moderated in English.

CIHA plans to refund Speakers with a grant of about 500 € that will be handed
at their arrival in Florence.

-The registration fee for Speakers is of 150 €.
It includes congress kit, participation in all the sessions, Opening
cocktail and keynote speeches. More information on terms of payment will be
given soon.

-The registration fee for young scholars, PhD students and graduated students is of
80 €.

-Travel and accommodation: travel organization will be up to each Speaker, as well as
the accommodation option (the CIHA Italia Committee Secretariat will provide
soon a list of suggestions). It is expected
that candidates are able to seek funding in their own country to cover travel
and accommodation expenses.

For any further information please contact us using the following email address: