The art market study is transforming in the digital age, presenting opportunities and challenges
for researchers. This panel aims to delve into methodological approaches within art market
studies, focusing on handling missing data in the primary market of contemporary art and
exploring interdisciplinary methodologies for understanding the digital and digitised art
A wealth of data sources characterises the contemporary art market, yet gaps and
inconsistencies in the available information often plague it. Addressing missing data is crucial for
gaining accurate insights into market dynamics, pricing trends, and artist trajectories. This panel
seeks to explore methodological strategies for dealing with missing data, including data
imputation methods and qualitative approaches to filling gaps in the dataset.
Furthermore, we would like to open the panel to multidisciplinary approaches to mapping and
analysing the digital/digitised art landscape, including studies on digital art markets, online
platforms, and tools to investigate this type of data or technology’s impact on artistic production
and consumption patterns. We want to encourage researchers and practitioners to share their
ideas on pushing the boundaries of methodological innovation in studying the art market.
We invite proposals that contribute to advancing methodological practices in art market studies
focusing on the following:
- Strategies for handling missing data (i.e., combining qualitative and quantitative methods)
in contemporary art market research - Case studies and empirical research applying to art market analysis.
- Impact studies on digitalisation of the contemporary art market
- Reflections on the challenges and opportunities of employing new methodologies in art market
Interested candidates are invited to submit an abstract of a maximum of 400 words to Anne-Kathrin Gerlieb (mail@anne-gerlieb.de) and Diana Kral (diana.kral@std.kunstakademie-duesseldorf.de) no later than 15th September 2024. If you have any question please contact both of them. The conference will be held in-person.
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