Open call for participation in the thematic issue

Cultural Translation in Artistic Contexts

Guest Editors: Modesta Di Paola
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in The Global Age: New Methodologies, Concepts, and Analytic Scopes – CCAV / Art, Part III. R + D Project (I +D +I HAR 2016-75100-P)

Art Globalization Interculturality, R + D Project (AGI/ART II: 2017 SGR 577)

PI: Dr.a Anna Maria Guasch

Abstract reception deadline: October 30, 2018
Article submission deadline: February 15, 2019

The Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art is an indexed journal and an open access publication focusing on visuality, contemporary artistic practice, and intercultural conflict through a global perspective. It is associated to the Art, Globalization, Interculturality (AGI) research group at the Department of Art History, University of Barcelona.

Recently critical theories and contemporary artistic practices use the concept of “visual translation” in the process of transmission and reception of contemporary art. The interest in translation, from a transcultural and global perspective, has brought about new approaches to historical artefacts in art history research, leading to an ever-increasing dissolution of boundaries between the various disciplines of art history. Many theories bring Art History, Political Philosophy, Visual Studies, and Translation Studies together to shape a new methodology. Nevertheless, the concept of translation has been articulated as a hermeneutical means to understand the complexity of contemporary works of art in which text and image coexist. It is also true that recent intuitions – especially coming from world art theorists – aimed to establish connections between arts and translation. Yet within critic theory there has never been a concrete research work with the purpose to identify the status quaestionis of a long-time neglected but crucial topic: visual translation.

Current studies of the vision motivate us to use the term visual translation not only to refer to a theoretical comparison between the arts and literature or linguistics (as in the case of ekphrasis and in general of the interartistic phenomena) but also to interpret, through new readings and methodologies, contemporary artistic phenomena, whose conceptual axes are identity, society, territory and politics.

In this context, the act of interpreting arises from the need to decode the work of art in relation to the historical and geographical context in which it was produced, but also in relation to the context in which its reception takes place. In a global world, however, many works of art seem to remain within an intellectual oblivion given by the difficulty of understanding and deciphering them. The concept of visual translation is therefore related to a hermeneutical notion that reflects on the complexities of the contemporary artistic artifact, but also with an epistemological attempt at reflection on the cultural and linguistic exchanges that take place between subjects and international events. In the era of the globalization of art, its public is heterogeneous, mobile, unpredictable, diasporic, hybrid. Visual translation, therefore, falls within the broader scope of visual communication, the transmission of messages, the means used as vehicles of information and consequently the way of receiving and decoding them culturally.

Our interests seek to investigate new and original approaches on the issues of cultural and visual translation as a metaphor for the complex and fascinating relation between societies, languages, and disciplines. As a metaphor, translation can include any visual process. That is why you need to detect some tropes in the relationship between translation and art. To use familiar terminology for translation studies, we could call these issues “contact zones” in which to find the affinities and interferences between translation and visual production.

We are particularly interested in papers dealing with: 1) to reveal metaphorical connections between logos and icono; 2) to overcome metaphor and to justify visual translation as a discursive concept and an indispensable tool for the realization of contemporary transnational and interlinguistic artefacts; 3) to bring to light the contact zones among different disciplines (Visual Studies, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, Iconology and Political Philosophy) studying the relation between translation and art – an interest confirmed by the semantic osmosis between text and image that favours the transmigration of meanings on a terminological level; 4) to draw a conclusion according to which artistic criticism and praxes using the concept of visual translation validate the theorisation of a translational turn within Visual Cultural Studies in the last twenty years.

Author guidelines
REG/AC is an indexed journal, and thus the articles must be unpublished and written according APA citation guidelines (see: Articles will be evaluated through peer review by two anonymous referees. The journal will be distributed under a Creative Commons license: this will enable the work to be shared with third parties by previously providing their acknowledgement of authorship, its initial publication in this journal, and its condition of license.

Submission guidelines
Submissions in English and Spanish are welcome.

Article length must be between 20,000 and 40,000 characters (3000-6000 words) including notes. The authors of the articles shall be responsible for publication of any accompanying images, and they shall be required to cite their source as well as authorship based on the citation rights contemplated in Article 32 of the Law of Intellectual Property. Following the author guidelines about “Use of images”:

Call Instructions
To participate in the call, please send an e-mail to with the subject “Cultural Translation in Artistic Contexts”. The abstracts may be submitted in Spanish or English (WORD and PDF). They must be accompanied by:

  • the title in Spanish or English.
  • the first name of the author, in lower case, and their surnames in upper case; the name of the University or Institution and Department which the author is attached to, and their email address.
  • a list of keywords or descriptors both in Spanish or in English.
  • a brief CV of the author of approximately 10 lines.

Deadline for abstract submission
The call for abstracts submission is open from September 1 to October 30, 2018, both included. The Editorial Committee will conduct the evaluation and selection of articles, and authors will be notified of acceptance for the publication within 30 days from the abstract deadline. The reception period for the acceptance of selected articles will be open from November 30, 2018 to February 15, 2019.

Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art:

Art, Globalization, Interculturality Research group (AGI), Department of Art History, University of Barcelona

Reference: CFP: Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art. In:, Oct 1, 2018. <>.