CFP: Mobility & Interactions in the Meuse-Rhine Region, 9th-15th cent. (Young researchers’ conference, Université de Namur, 10-12 Apr 2024)

Throughout the Middle Ages, from the kingdom of Lothar II to the creation of the first modern state boundaries, the region of the Rhine and Meuse lay at the crossroads between two big linguistic and cultural areas. Political tensions, artistic currents and waves of spiritual renewal continually crossed this vast territory, stretching from Utrecht to Basel and from Cambrai to Cologne and Strasbourg. After a first conference organized in April 2022 at the University of Trier, this second multidisciplinary encounter aims to bring together PhD students and post-doctoral researchers working on mobility and interactions in this region.

Papers could focus on (1) human interactions and mobilities, (2) the diffusion and reception of texts and knowledge, (3) the circulation of works of art and commercial goods. In the light of new methods and concepts in the domain of medieval space, mobility and exchange studies we invite participants to put into use these new approaches, especially those using digital tools, and test their usefulness for this many-faceted area.

Submission deadline: 1 Nov 2023

For more information, see “Mobilität und Austausch zwischen Rhein und Maas (9.-15. Jh.)” in: H-Soz-Kult, 03.09.2023: