Kirchner Museum Davos
June 28 – July 1, 2018
Deadline: May 2, 2018
This is the first international and interdisciplinary conference on the work and life of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. We aim to bring together the various international clusters of Kirchner research.
The conference was conceived as a prelude to the retrospective exhibition on Ernst Ludwig Kirchner at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn, Germany.
Call for Papers:
We invite scholars, experts and interested parties to participate in the conference and visit Kirchner’s chosen home in Davos. On the 18th of June we commemorate the 80th anniversary of Kirchner’s death. The conference takes this occasion to revisit previous assumptions on Kirchner’s work. New approaches to the Kirchner discourse will be presented and new research introduced. Topics from the exhibition as well as from other fields of current research interest will be discussed by leading scholars. By deliberately opening the conference to many academic disciplines we aim to open the discussion on Kirchner and welcome new insights and theses.
Papers submitted to the 2018 conference may address one of the following topics:
- ‘I Am a Trademark’: Self-promotion and the Artist
- Illness and Anxiety
- Constructions of Identity: The Self and the Other / Identity and Alterity
- Portraits of Women / Portraits of Men / Portraits of Children
- Kirchner and Literature
Paper Submission
We invite proposals for 30-minute presentations (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for discussion) from various disciplines such as: art history and theory, visual sociology, anthropology, museology, conservation, philosophy, ethnography, gender studies, cultural studies, medicine, psychology, literature, fine arts and others.
Your abstract must clearly explain the topic and theses of your presentation, in no more than 3500 characters / 500 words. The language of the Kirchner conference is English.
Please submit your abstract as well as a short résumé no later than 2 May 2018. Paper submission is possible on the conference website
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the conference organizing committee and speakers will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by 20 May 2018.
Abstracts will be selected for publishing in the conference proceedings.
Reference: CFP: Rethinking Kirchner (Davos, 28 Jun-1 Jul 18). In:, Jan 19, 2018. <>.