National Palace of Ajuda, Lisbon Portugal, October 14 – 16, 2020
Deadline: Apr 15, 2020
The 2020 Annual Conference and General Assembly of ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design will take place at the National Palace of Ajuda in Lisbon, Portugal, from October 14th to 16th (plus two days – October 17th and 18th – for the post conference tour to Coimbra and Porto).
Revivals in the Decorative Arts – Annual Conference of ICOM/ICDAD
Revivals as the socio-cultural phenomenon that has occurred many times throughout universal history and that seeks to rescue principles and traditions of times gone by. In this conference we approach the term Revivals with regard to Decorative Arts and Design.
Decorative Arts and Design are to be interpreted as any domestic or public furnishings including but not limited to textiles, silverware, furniture, wallpaper, tableware, interior decoration as a whole, graphic design, as well as personal accessories (excluding fashion). We also welcome presentations on revivals within decorative and applied art traditions (ceramics, lacquer, metalwork, textiles, woodwork, etc.) made for utilitarian or connoisseurial purposes.
Hence we encourage papers proposals on a wide variety of topics including a broad array of Asian, European or North and South American Revival styles.We also include the retro design styles of the 20th and 21st centuries, referring to the resurgence of old yet relatively recent styles.
It is fascinating how heritage is being used and valued, reconsidered both from the positions of a curator, artist or a designer. We are interested in the examples, phenomena and notions that reflect upon the relation to the past, treating it with both unsentimental and sentimental nostalgia, introducing ways of dealing with the recent past from different periods in history.
Presentations of 15 minutes will comprise the sessions of the conference. Language: english
Please send an abstract of 250-300 words, including your name, title, institution and ICOM membership number to: Maria JoséGaivão Tavares, Curator of the Furniture Collection at National Palace of Ajuda and ICDAD Secretary: icdad.secretariat@gmail.com
Deadline for papers proposition: April 15th
Final notification for acceptance: June 30th
For additional details see website: https://icom-icdad.org/conference-1
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