Submissions for SASE’s 33rd Annual Conference, After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism, are currently open.
(Cologne / online 2-5 Jul 2021)
The deadline is 10 Feb 2021
The conference will take place online, 2-5 Jul 2021.
The SASE conference to be held virtually on 2-5 July 2021, will feature as usual papers on all issues of concern for socio-economics. But we especially welcome contributions that explore the ways in which the pandemic challenges key features of contemporary capitalist societies; the variety of pathways of socio-economic development emerging from the crisis; and the multidimensional, cross-cutting patterns of transformation or restoration resulting from critical conjunctures, past and present. SASE’s current members are uniquely positioned to offer a broad range of disciplinary and methodological perspectives on these themes, but we hope to also attract new scholars to join our conversation.
Full details
Once logged into, simply click on the green “Submit A Paper” button in the top right-hand corner of the SASE website to begin the submission process. If you need to create an online profile for the first time, click the “Join SASE Now” button.
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