CFP: The Art of Exhibiting Art (Rome, 27-28 Apr 17)

CFP: Doctoral Study Day – RAHN (Rome Art History Network) 2017

Rome, April 27 – 28, 2017

Deadline: Dec 15, 2016

In situ / Ex situ. The Art of Exhibiting Art: Relationships between Art and Architecture in their Spatial Context

The fifth international doctoral study day of the Rome Art History Network, which will be held on 27-28 April 2017, and organised in partnership with the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway and the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Museo di Roma di Palazzo Braschi, proposes a theoretical and methodological reflection upon the relationships and strategies of installing art and architecture, both inside and outside their original spatial contexts.
It is evident that the work of art always relate to the surrounding spaces. Indeed, the strategies and methods of exhibiting works in situ / ex situ are at the heart of contemporary art-historical debates.

But how does the manipulation of the original spatial context alter the perception of a work of art, or the organic nature of an architectural system? How does a given layout highlight specific characteristics of an artwork? What new meanings does an object assume, following its contextual switch? Are traditional concepts of historiographical concepts still valid for current issues of museology or museography? Does an object’s de-contextualization potentially “save” the art in critical cases, or does it always imply an alteration of its original meanings?

The study day aims to encourage an interdisciplinary and cross-temporal debate on the issue of location and spatial relationship between the works of art and architecture and the reciprocal exchanges between these artistic domains.

Proposals may include, but are not limited to, topics about:
– The role of spatial contexts in the display of and the relationship between the works of art;
– How the alteration of spatial context affects of in situ / ex-situ works;
– Relationships between art and architecture in the exhibitions/ museographical or museological cases;
– Gesamtkunstwerke, site-specific works of art, mise en scéne projects or visual theme concepts;
– Dispositio of a museum/architectural/urban system.

The call for papers is open to art and architectural history graduate students of Italian and foreign academic institutions. We encourage candidates to submit 20-minute talks that, through case studies and theoretical observations, focus on the methodologies and key themes listed above. The study day (27-28 April 2017) will be held both in Italian and English, and we welcome submissions in both languages. The organization cannot cover any travel or residence costs.

Proposals, in the form of an abstract (max. 400 words) should be sent, together with a short CV (max. one page), by 15 December 2016 to the following email address:

Edition curated by:
Alina Aggujaro (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institut for the History of Art / Sapienza, Università di Roma)
Dario Beccarini (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenaghen / Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ )

Coordination and days of study conceived by Ariane Varela Braga (Coordinator Rome Art History Network / Universität Zürich) Rome Art History Network

Previous editions:
– Now or (n)ever. I tempi dell’opera: temi, teorie e metodi nella storia dell’arte (28-29 aprile 2016)
– Tra assenza e presenza: opere perdute e frammentarie (19-20 marzo 2015)
– Sopravvalutata, sacrosanta, scandalosa? La figura dell’artista nella storia dell’arte oggi (3-4 aprile 2014)
– La storia dell’arte tra scienza e dilettantismo. Metodi e percorsi (24 aprile 2012)

CFP: The Art of Exhibiting Art (Rome, 27-28 Apr 17). In: H-ArtHist, Nov 25, 2016 (accessed Nov 29, 2016).