CFP: transfer – Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte / Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection

The online journal transfer is an academic publication platform in the area of
provenance research and the history of collection as well as adjacent fields of
investigation, like art market studies, reception history, cultural sociology, or legal

Annual issues will be published exclusively online in Diamond Open Access.
Research articles and research reports, to be submitted in English or German, are
subject to double-blind peer-review. All submissions will undergo an internal
evaluation by the editors supported by the advisory board and receive professional
copy-editing before publication. The journal is based at the Research Centre for
Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law at the University of Bonn and
receives funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Webhosting is
provided by the University Library Heidelberg via

Editors: Ulrike Saß & Christoph Zuschlag
Journal Management: Florian Schönfuß
Advisory Board: Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V., dbv-Kommission
Provenienzforschung und Provenienzerschließung, Uwe Fleckner, Didier
Houénoudé, Larissa Förster, Gilbert Lupfer, Antoinette Maget-Dominicé, Barbara
Kristina Murovec, Gesa Vietzen

Open Call for Submissions

transfer conceives of itself as a transdisciplinary, cross-epoch and international
journal. It primarily addresses a scholarly audience. Besides experienced
researchers, transfer equally aims at early career researchers, including PhD
students, offering broad impact and high accessibility for the publication of recent
research. Abstaining from APCs or any other publication fees, transfer provides a genuine open access platform assuring research quality as well as transparency,
fostering research interconnection and the crossing of disciplinary and institutional
boundaries. Authors are invited to submit papers on the following topics of interest:

genuine open access platform assuring research quality as well as transparency,
fostering research interconnection and the crossing of disciplinary and institutional
boundaries. Authors are invited to submit papers on the following topics of interest:

  • Translocation of art and cultural assets
  • Art and cultural property law
  • Culture of remembrance, Cultural identity, Collective memory
  • Collections, History of collection
  • Art trade, Art market studies
  • Art policy
  • Sociology of art, Cultural sociology
  • Restitution, Return, Repatriation
  • Provenance research on individual objects or object groups
  • Archival holdings, Primary sources

Please find further information regarding submissions, peer-review as well as our
Style Sheet on the journal-website or contact us under redaktion.transfer@uni-

The submission deadline for the third annual issue is May 1st 2024.


transfer – Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte /

Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Forschungsstelle Provenienzforschung,
Kunst- und Kulturgutschutzrecht
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Rabinstraße 1
53113 Bonn (Germany)