CFP: Wax-resin lining: history, effects on paintings, consequences for conservation (University of Amsterdam)

The Amsterdam Wax-Resin Project (AWRP) at the department Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is preparing a publication on wax-resin lining. Authors are invited to submit an abstract to the selection committee by November 1, 2024.

For this publication we seek academic contributions that address one or more of the following topics:

    • the history of the wax-resin lining method (origin, dissemination, international developments, critical reception);

    • the detrimental effects of the treatment on material, optical and mechanical properties of paintings;

    • the longevity of wax-resin linings;

    • the current approaches to the conservation of wax-resin lined paintings;

    • the training and education of conservation specialists to approach conservation issues related to wax-resin lining.

To ensure that the publication represents the full breadth of the topic we encourage contributions from researchers from different backgrounds and with varied expertise, engaged in the care of diverse types of painting collections.

We aim to include insightful discussions of, for example, case studies, ethical issues, and hands-on practice. We also encourage reflective papers on methodologies used for practice and research. We welcome contributions exemplifying a multidisciplinary research approach though the involvement of, amongst others, documentary research, field research, technical examination of paintings, treatment reports, reconstruction-based research, results of technical analysis, material testing, etc.