We seek proposals for chapters in a proposed edited volume dedicated to the topic “Women Makers of the Global Early Modern World: Art, Patronage, Collecting, and the Courts,” edited by Tanja L. Jones and Doris Sung.
The volume is intended to extend and expand knowledge of visual material production by and for early modern women – particularly those associated with the courts – on a global scale. While numerous conferences, symposia, and resulting publications in the past several decades have addressed women as producers, consumers, and subjects of European art during the early modern period (c. 1400-1800), less consideration has been given to women’s roles in the courts – particularly as informed by the steadily increasing cross-cultural interactions (i.e. between Europe and Asia, the Americas, Africa, etc.) that characterized the period. This volume aims to address this lacuna whilst simultaneously de-canonizing the traditional Euro-centric model of study in analyses of women’s cultural production, presentation, and consumption surrounding courts and empires (broadly defined as institutions associated with ruling power). The goal is to encourage a more equitable view of early modern women’s experiences of and with art globally, across traditionally held national and continental boundaries.
We are particularly interested in paper submissions that address early modern (court) women’s roles in the movement, collecting, or production of visual and material culture. Especially those that consider manifestations of cross-cultural connections and/or invite comparative perspectives within/between Africa, the Americas, and Asia – be those with Europeans or not – c. 1400-1800.
By October 1 2024, please submit (in a single PDF): paper title, 250-word (maximum) abstract, 5 keywords, and a C.V. (including name, institutional affiliation – if applicable, title, and email) to Tanja Jones (tljones10@ua.edu) and Doris Sung (dhsung@ua.edu).
Source of this call: ArtHist.net, 09.09.2024: arthist.net/archive/42547
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