CFP: Women’s Creativity 1918-2018 (Torino, 13-16 Jun 18)

International Conference
Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception

Politecnico di Torino
Lingotto Campus
Via Nizza 230
Torino, Italy
June 13 – 16, 2018

Deadline: Oct 31, 2017


After almost four years of successful project activities, and in accordance with the MoMoWo mission, the International Conference | Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception continues to increase the visibility of creative women, to foster in Europe and beyond interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the study of the built environment “from the spoon to the city,” and to facilitate the exchange of research results and professional practices in the fields of architecture, civil engineering and design.

Though the scope of the project is European, the scholarly and professionals communities are invited to submit papers related not only to Europe’s geographical framework but also its transcontinental aspects.

The main purpose of the MoMoWo Symposium is to map the general state of research about tangible and intangible cultural heritage created by women in 100 years, in order to give a new impetus to broaden studies in Europe and beyond.

MoMoWo’s Scientific Committee defined seven main topics in order to achieve a thematic balance able to provide an extensive oversight of the academic researches and professional experiences.


MoMoWo welcomes papers extending from 1918 to the present time, and touching a variety of disciplines and approaches concerning the perception and reception of women’s creativity, including history of professions, history and theory of architecture and design, historiography, landscape and urban planning, protection and conservation of architecture and interior design.

We call scholars and professionals – men and women – to broaden MoMoWo knowledge and critical discussion through various historical and political contexts in a comparative perspective.

A. Women’s education and training. National and international mappings
education of the pioneers | education in 21st century | women in the academia | feminisation of the architectural profession | statistics

This topic includes national and transnational studies, comparative analyses and papers exploring critical perspectives dealing with women’s education and training from pioneers to the present generations of women architects, industrial and interior designers, civil engineers and landscape architects. What access did female students have to schools of architecture, design and civil engineering in the past and how did this change throughout the years – if at all? What were the obstacles they faced/face? How were/are women professionals included in the educational processes and how were/are they represented in the academia? What was/is their involvement in establishing new fields of studies such as landscape architecture?

B. Women’s legacy and heritage. Protection, restoration and enhancement
mapping the Modern Movement heritage designed by women | women theorists and professionals from 1918 to 2018

How did tangible and intangible cultural heritage created by women gain recognition from 1918 to 2018? This topic wishes to explore two main issues. The first issue deals with protection, conservation, restoration and enhancement of the architectural and interior-design heritage designed by women, with a special interest for the Modern Movement. The second issue explores the role of women theorists and professionals in the above-mentioned fields and how they changed and still are changing theories and practices of 20th and 21st centuries.

We welcome papers on women theorists and professionals dealing with architecture and design heritage and legacy, such as curators, preservationists, restorers, historians… with a focus on their experience and insight into the institutional structures of their time and region.

C. Women in communication and professional networks
associations | networks | magazines | social media

This topic aims to go more deeply into the process of creating associations of women architects, industrial designers and civil engineers in Europe. The creation of these associations emerged in the United States in 1922, and only since 1942 took place in Europe through pioneering countries like Finland and Italy. The creation of these associations favoured the visibility of these women’s work. This topic will also include the incorporation of professional women into all types of social media, professional networks and magazines in which they do not only promote their work and careers but also occupy management positions.

D. Women and cultural tourism

presence of women in architectural guidebooks | accessibility to cultural heritage | gender inclusiveness | women as cultural consumers

This topic focuses on the role of women as main consumers of cultural tourism in the European cities context and in the field of tangible cultural heritage, as modern and contemporary architecture, design and other related issues. The analysis will debate on European countries including whether there are differences in consumption patterns of cultural heritage between women and men, and if there are consistent quantitative differences between the two markets of reference. Whenever applicable, specific analysis will be conducted on those cultural assets created by women, which have also been featured on the “MoMoWo Women Architecture & Design Itineraries across Europe.”

E. Women’s achievements and professional attainments. Moving boundaries

inventions | patents | competitions | prizes | awards

This topic aims to highlight an advanced approach among the interrelations between the professional attainments of women architects, civil engineers, industrial and interior designers, through competitions, prizes and patents, awarded or created by them. This topic also seeks to explore how memory plays a key role in cultural recognition and the importance of striving to map these professional ‘geographies’, from elite prizes dominated by men to the erasure of women creators.

F. Women and sustainability

landscape | city | building components | building materials | design for housing

Sustainability and recycling are among the most urgent issues on the agenda of architecture and design today. Utopians, designers and theorists challenge overconsumption and advocate ‘green living’, ‘green interiors’, ecological design, cradle-to-cradle production approaches, recycling of waste, energy low environments for living, facades and roofs with plants and mosses, bio-bricks or reused materials from demolished buildings. How do women designers, architects and engineers respond to such developments? This topic invites contributors to inform the audience on current practices as well as historical examples.

G. Women ”as subjects.” Documentation, methodology, interpretation and enhancement

historiography | public and private archives | digital archives | sources open-access | women authorship in teams

This topic focuses on methodology and sources for gender studies and their reverberation in contemporary historiography. Are there archives dedicated to women’s works? What was/is the role of women architects, designers and engineers in project groups, and the traces left in archives? What kind of tasks they were/are in charge of, what was/is their hierarchical position within the group, what kind of interrelationship with male co-workers they had/have, what kind of professional strategies they used/use to obtain leading positions? A specific matter could be the relationship led in the cooperation between relatives.

G1. Design drawings

collections of drawings | collections of plastic models | collections of digital reconstructive models

This sub-topic aims to explore the role of drawing in the design process of women designers, from two points of view. The first one focuses on collections of drawings and plastic models made by the designers. They could be studied using the tools of graphical analysis as well as the digital survey. The second one focuses on collections of digital reconstructive models that could be analysed by comparisons between different designers as well as different architectural trends or national schools. Methodologies and techniques aimed to realise interactive web repositories of these collections could also be included.

Dates: From Wednesday 13th to Saturday 16th June 2018

Venue: Politecnico di Torino – Lingotto Campus, Via Nizza 230, Torino, Italy

Events Agenda: 13th -16th June 2018

Conference dates

Wednesday 13th, morning Opening Ceremony and Welcome Cocktail (complimentary)
Thursday 14th, afternoon Tours (complimentary, registration requested)
Friday 15th, evening Social Dinner (registration and fee payment requested)
Saturday 16th, lunch time Buffet (complimentary)
Saturday 16th, afternoon Closing Ceremony and Toast (complimentary)

The Conference registration is free but mandatory, as the number of places is limited (registration-form available on-line from 10th March 2018)

Participation in the Tours is free after registration.

MoMoWo will be pleased to offer to the Conference attenders, Booklet of Programme and Abstract as well as printed copies of the following MoMoWo Books:

31st October 2017 – Abstracts Submission
17th November 2017 – Abstracts Communication of Acceptance
17th November 2017 – Template for Papers will be available
1st December 2017 – Conference Programme Draft
31st January 2018 – Full Papers Submission
1st March 2018 – Papers Communication of Acceptance
10th March 2018 – Opening of Conference Registration
16th March 2018 – Final Conference Programme
18th May 2018 – Closing of registration for audience via on-line forms and closing of social activities registration
13th June 2018 – Free download of the Booklet of Programme and Abstract of the Conference e-Book. Printed copies of the Booklet will be distributed at the Symposium.

Submission Requests:
The MoMoWo Symposium 2018 uses Easy chair as a conference management system. In order to submit contributions, authors will be required to create a free Easy chair account here.

The submission link is: where you will be taken step-by-step through the submission process.

Abstracts must specify which topic is addressed, namely:

A. Women’s education and training. National and international mappings
B. Women’s legacy and heritage. Protection, restoration and enhancement
C. Women in communication and professional networks
D. Women and cultural tourism
E. Women’s achievements and professional attainments. Moving boundaries
F. Women and sustainability
G. Women ”as subjects”. Documentation, methodology, interpretation and enhancement
G.1. Design drawings

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept presentations into a topic other than the one selected by the submitter during the submission process.

– Language: English (U.K. spelling)
– Rules: Title, 2.200 characters (spaces included), 5 keywords, authors affiliation, e-mail address
– Format: PDF file
– Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st October 2017
– Figures, tables and other illustrations may not be included in abstracts
– All abstracts must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference
– After an abstract is submitted, the corresponding contact will receive a confirmation e-mail. In case the confirmation e-mail is not received, please contact
– All submitted abstracts will be selected by the MoMoWo’s Scientific Committee and by the chairs. The corresponding contact will be notified about the acceptance/non-acceptance of an abstract. If the notification is not received by 17th November  2017 please contact

– All accepted abstracts will be published in the Booklets of Programme and Abstracts with ISBN (printed and digital open-access)

All authors whose abstracts have been accepted, will be invited to submit a full paper for their paper presentation.

– Language: English (U.K. spelling)
– Rules: Title, max 25.000 characters including spaces and references + 2 images with credits
– Format: PDF file
– Selected full papers will be published as e-book open-access with ISBN by ZRC-SAZU France Stele Institute, Ljubljana
– Deadline for submission of full papers is 31st January 2018
– Papers communication of acceptance is 1st March 2018
– All authors of the selected papers will be invited to the oral presentation

The title of the presentation will be added to the Symposium programme only if the designated presenter has registered to the conference.

If for any justifiable reason there is the need to change the designated presenter (author identified as the presenter of the paper) after the abstract has been accepted, the corresponding contact should reach out to the organising committee by sending an e-mail to

MoMoWo Scientific Committee

Emilia GARDA, Caterina FRANCHINI, POLITO international coordinators
Marjan GROOT, VU

Scientific secretary (Caterina Franchini)

Organising secretary (Cristiana Chiorino)

Reference : CFP: Women’s Creativity 1918-2018 (Torino, 13-16 Jun 18). In:, Sep 28, 2017. <