Colliding Visual Worlds / SEHWELTEN IN KOLLISION – Potential and Impact of Virtual Reality on the art markets | Symposium | Exhibition | Workshop | 3 March 2017, 3pm
How will virtual experiences influence our perception of art? Do they change established models of the presentation and agency of art? Is this the art world’s quantum leap?
Virtuality has become reality. Digital technology has reached a peak in mass-efficiency, it generates a huge market and affects different areas of life. At it is sure to fundamentally change our lives in the future.
Speakers include
Sabine Himmelsbach | Direktorin, HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel)
Priska Pasquer | Galeristin, Priska Pasquer, Köln
Thomas Mödl | IT-Experte, DialogData, München
Thea Dymke | ZKR – Zentrum für Kunst und öffentlichen Raum Schloss Biesdorf
Karoline Pfeiffer | Independent Collectors
Friday, 3 March 2017, 3pm – 8pm (entry 2pm)
HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel)
Freilager-Platz 9
4142 Münchenstein/Basel, Schweiz
Registration fee: 45 Euro
Places are limited, please register soon.
This is a cooperation of BVDG (Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V.) und HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel).
With thanks to our partners (selection) WELTKUNST, DialogData, Independent Collectors, Koelnmesse, Prohelvetia, MIGROS Kulturprozent.