CONF: Artists’ Collections. Objects, Frameworks, Ideas (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität/ZIKG, Munich / online, 12-13 Nov 2021)

Artists have always assembled a variety of things, whether beautiful, rare or “exotic” artifacts and naturalia, works by other artists, memorabilia, studio materials and models, found objects or knick-knacks. Like other collections, those of artists often oscillate between contingency and coherence, establishing certain epistemic categories and rejecting others.

However, artists’ collections are spaces in which the production and reception of artifacts intersect in particularly productive ways. Collecting can provide inspiration for new artworks, for instance; reciprocally, artistic interests can inform the search for collection items. In addition, many things enter such a collection through exchanges with artist friends or as gifts. Another special feature of artists’ collecting practices is that they have consequences for the reception of the artist collector’s own oeuvre: whether intended or not, the collecting and the making of things are always entangled.

This conference aims to contribute to a basic understanding of artists’ collections, with a broad historical purview – from the early modern period to the present day. For the first time, the critical implications of such collections will also be taken into account: To what extent does collecting affect not only the artistic-creative process but also its contemporary or posthumous reception? 



14:00 Uhr
Ulrike Keuper und Léa Kuhn // Begrüßung und Einführung

Moderation: Hui Luan Tran, Bonn

14:15 Uhr
Thomas Pöpper, Zwickau // Michelangelos Lehrmeister. Das Antiquarium des Andrea Bregno und der Torso vom Belvedere

15:00 Uhr
Henry Kaap, München // Lottos flüchtige Sammlung

– 15:45 Pause –

Moderation: Ulrike Keuper, München/Trier

16:15 Uhr
Petra Maclot, Leuven // Antwerp Artists’ Collections in their Spatial Context. The Image of the ‘Constcamere’ versus Material and Typological Facts

17:00 Uhr
Heiner Krellig, Berlin/Venedig // Rosalba’s Collectors, Rosalba’s Collection

– 17:45 Uhr Pause –

18:30 Uhr

James Delbourgo, New Brunswick // The Dark Side of Collecting. A Short and Twisted History


Moderation: Lars Zieke, Jena

9:00 Uhr
Jessica Priebe, Sydney // Fake Shells and Fungus Bouquets. François Boucher’s Collection at the Louvre

9:45 Uhr
Ulrike Keuper, München/Trier // Die Sammlung aufführen. Pariser Künstlerkabinette um 1700 und ihr Publikum

– 10:30 Uhr Pause –

Moderation: Léa Kuhn, Frankfurt a.M./München

11:00 Uhr
Michael Thimann, Göttingen // „die besten seiner Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte, die wir alle zusammengetragen hatten“. Individuelle und kollektive Sammelpraktiken bei den Nazarenern

11:45 Uhr
Daniela Stöppel, München // Haben und Sein. Gustave Courbets Sammler-Ambitionen im Kontext dilettantischer Sammlungspraxis in der französischen Provinz

12:30 Uhr
Pascal Griener, Neuchâtel // Auguste Rodin and his studio-Museums in Paris and in Meudon – an art work, a world and a matrix

– 13:15 Uhr Mittagspause –

Moderation: Antje Krause-Wahl, Frankfurt a.M.

14:15 Uhr
Miriam Oesterreich, Berlin // Indigenität ausstellen. Zu den Sammlungs- und Ausstellungspraktiken mexikanischer Avantgarden

15:00 Uhr
Tobias Vogt, Oldenburg // Rauschenbergs Duchamp

15:45 Uhr Tagungsende
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
In cooperation with
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich
Participation / Teilnahme: Online via Zoom 

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