CONF: Belgian Art around World War I, Nov 24-25, 2016, Brussels

International Symposium – Before and After? Continuity or Rupture? 

14-18 Rupture or Continuity Flyer frontThe Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are organising an international scientific symposium dedicated to the place of Belgian Art in a European context. In European art historiography, World War I is traditionally described as a turnpoint boosting the avant-garde. The symposium intends to confront this now conventional assertion with the specific cultural situation of Belgian Art in the beginning of the 20th century. The artistic evolution of Belgian Art during World War I, as well as the circulation of art works, the situation of museums, galleries, artistic or cultural associations and cultural transfers are treated under this aspect.

A simple BEFORE / AFTER dichotomy enables to structure the field of study systematically and to address the question of the DURING. The issues discussed at the symposium are being developed in the exhibition “14-18. Rupture or Continuity?”.

Programme / Flyer

Free but registration is required before 15.11.2016 via symposium@fine-arts-museum.bePlease mention name, address and day(s) of participation.

Source: Fine Arts Museum of Belgium, Oct 17, 2016