CONF: Collecting Central Europe – Kunstkammer Workshop (online, 24 May 2022, 7pm CEST)

Kunstkammer Workshop with Mark A. Meadow, Renate Leggatt-Hofer and Eliška Zlatohlávková
24.Mai.2022 07:00 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Kunstkammer Workshop:
Four short presentations followed by live discussion and Q&A.

Andrea M. Gáldy, LMU – Introduction

Mark A. Meadow, UCSB – “Specifying Knowledge: Quiccheberg on Prudence and Cognition”

Renate Leggatt-Hofer, independent scholar – “A New Separate Building to House the Collection in Vienna in 1558. Ferdinand I as Trendsetter?”

Eliška Zlatohlávková, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci – “Echoes of Rudolf II’s kunstkammer in Peter Wok’s (1539–1611) residence in Třeboň (Wittingau) – spatial organisation of art collections”.

When you register, please use the email address linked to your zoom account and make sure that you are logged in during the event. A registration without a zoom account is not possible. Please be aware that this meeting will be recorded and made available for viewing after the session.

To register, please use the following link:

All are welcome but it is necessary to register!