CONF: Good Practices in the Art Market ( Medeiros e Almeida Museum, Lisbon – 25-26 Oct 2024)

This colloquium aims to discuss good practices in the art market and the challenge ethical standards and values represent when applying to a proper professional performance. The global art market is often associated with the lack of transparency in its mechanisms. Tax optimization, fraud, money laundering, traffic of cultural property, speculation, opacity, not to mention inequality, unprofessionalism, or precariousness among artists, are usual labels to refer to the art system. It is, however, consensual that there is a strong corpus of legislation to support the art business, and that it is crucial to promote ethical behavior in the exercise of the profession.

We will discuss legal challenges, measures art professionals and policy makers are implementing, problematic situations that require ethical behavior in order to navigate the art market waters, serving as a guide and a model to ensure the protection of dealers, artists and independent professionals. We will explore good practices in the art market, their effect, their application, their shortcomings and their drawbacks. Bringing examples of codes of ethics, discussions, and related situations in countries such as Spain, Portugal, other European countries, Brazil, and USA, compared to other examples in Latin America, in African and Asian countries, and other regions, this colloquium aims to explore differences and similarities of approach in different regions of the world.


Friday, October 25th

Medeiros e Almeida Museum, Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, 4, 1250-167, Lisbon

9h-9h20 Colloquium Registration

9h20-9h30 Welcome Adelaide Duarte IHA NOVA-FCSH/IN2PAST, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting. Organizing Committee

9h30-10h10 Keynote speaker introduced by David Felismino, President of ICOM Portugal

Marta Pérez-Ibañez, Independent researcher, cluster/TIAMSA subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

The existence and application of deontological codes in the art market. Entelechy, necessity, urgency

10h10-10h20 Q&A

10h20-11h Coffee-Break

11-12h40 1st Session – Art Players and Artworks in the Art Market

Moderator João Martins Claro, Lawyer, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

11h-11h20 Kathryn Brown, Yoram Eshkol-Rokach, Loughborough University

Playing the Market: Museums in an Era of Art Financializaton

11h20-11h40 Andrés Sánchez Ledesma, Universidad La Habana; Luciano Delgado Tercero, Universidad Nebrija

The Analisis of Authenticity as a Source of Transparency in the Art Trade

11h40-12h Ninon Bour, Ecole du Louvre, Panthéon-Sorbonne University,

Issues with Pre-Columbian Art

12h-12h20 Areti Chavale, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow

Artist’s Resale Right and the Art Market: Evidence from British Art Auctions

12h20-12h40 Q&A

12h40-14h00 Lunch Break

14h00-14h30 Museum Tour by Maria Mayer, Director of the Medeiros e Almeida Museum

14h30-16h00 2nd Session – Transparency and Ethics in the Art Market

Moderator Marta Pérez-Ibañez, Independent Researcher cluster/TIAMSA subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

14h30-14h50 Loizos Petrides, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Beyond transparency: mitigating conflicts of interest in the art market

14h50-15h10 Katharina Nothnagel Vivas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

The European Art Market: the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural goods and the specific case of Switzerland and Luxembourg

15h10-15h30 Chloe Fyfe, University of Glasgow

The British Art Market in a Post-Brexit Landscape: The Free Port Risk in the Absence of EU Regulation

15h30-15h40 Q&A

15h40-16h10 Coffee-Break

16h10-17h45 3rd Session – Regulation in the Art Market, Moderator Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

16h10-16h30 Maciej Obrębski, Obrębski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni

Polish legal regulations and guidelines for the examination of the provenance of works of art in case of sale in the practice of auction houses and museums

16h30-16h50 Charlotte Chambers Farah

The Art Loss Register, Dispersed Data: The Fragmentation of Due Diligence

16h50-17h10 Pablo Angel Lugo, Glocal Art Markets Consultants Ltd

Redefining Art Management: Towards Standardised Protocols for Art Piece Handling and ProtectionGood Practices in the Art Market

17h10-17h30 Ana Paula Moreno, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie São Paulo; Pedro Marcelo Clares de Andrade, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Money Laundering and the Vulnerability of the Art Market: An Analysis Based on Brazil’s Preventive Policy

17h30-17h45 Q&A

17h45-18h Maria Mayer, Director of the Medeiros e Almeida Museum

Swapping an Aldobrandini Tazza

18h-18h15 Final Remarks by Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

Saturday, October 26th

Drawing Room Lisboa, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36, 1250-044 Lisboa

11h00 Roundtable Good Practices in the Art Market


Marta Mestre, Curator and Artistic Director of Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães


Monica Alvarez Careaga, Director of Drawing Room Lisboa and Artesantander

Pedro Barbosa, Art Collector, Founder of Ethics of Collecting Platform

Luiz Augusto Teixeira de Freitas, Art Collector

Natxo Checa, Curator, Director of Galeria ZédosBois

Paulo Mendes, Visual Artist and Curator, President of AAVP – Associação de Artistas Visuais em Portugal

For registration and more information:

Organizing and Scientific Committee

Adelaide Duarte, IHA NOVA-FCSH/IN2PAST, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

Fernando Loureiro Bastos, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

Marta Peréz-Ibañez, Independent researcher, Madrid, cluster/TIAMSA Subcommittee Art Market and Collecting

Véronique Chagnon-Burke, TIAMSA Co-Chair



Supported by:

Medeiros e Almeida Museum

ICOM Portugal