Florence, Bologna, November 14 – 15, 2017
Study days promoted by Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut and Federico Zeri Foundation.
The two study days, which will take place in Florence and Bologna respectively, aim to analyze the dynamics of the art market in Italy at the beginning of the twentieth century, intersecting the methods of the history of art, economic history and sociology.
In this fruitful research context, two particular aspects will be studied: the relationship between photographic practices and antique practices, the subject of the first day hosted by the Fototeca del Kunsthistorisches Institut, and the antiquarian world in the Savoy Rome, which will be studied on the second day at the Federico Zeri Foundation.
(days held in Italian)
a cura di Julia Bärnighausen e Costanza Caraffa
14 November
Florence, Fototeca del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
The international art market research is undergoing a phase of particular intensity in recent years, sees the flourishing of interdisciplinary studies and conferences and is becoming a subject of university education. At the center of the latest studies are the networks of relations between antiques, collectors and other figures related to the sale of works of art. Among these, photographers played a key role in the evolution of artistic commerce since the second half of the 19th century. The art market is also linked to the formation of the historical-artistic canon, and from this point of view the photographs play a fundamental role.
10.00-10.15 Saluto di Costanza Caraffa, direttrice della Fototeca, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Panel I: Instruments
Chair: Julia Bärnighausen, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
10.15-11.00 Lynn Catterson, Columbia University, New York
From Visual Inventory to Trophy Book to Memory Atlas: The Evolution of the Photograph in the Bardini Business
11.30-12.15 Francesca Mambelli, Fondazione Federico Zeri, Bologna
«À reproduire». Produzione, riproduzione e mercato dell’arte nel fondo Sangiorgi della Fototeca Zeri
12.15-13.00 Patrizia Cappellini, Università degli Studi di Udine
La fotografia come strumento per gli antiquari e come potenziale euristico per la ricerca. Il fondo fotografico di Elia Volpi nella Fototeca del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
Panel II: Itineraries
Chair: Giovanna Capitelli, Università della Calabria
14.30-15.15 Julia Bärnighausen, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Narrating Photographs. From Florence to the Galleria Sangiorgi in Rome and back
15.15-16.00 Annalea Tunesi, Independent scholar, London
The Commercial, Artistic, and Haptic Aspects of a Photograph and its Reproductions from Stefano Bardini’s Photographic Archives
Panel III: Masterpieces
Chair: Costanza Caraffa, Fototeca, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
16.30-17.15 Casey Riley, Boston Athenaeum / Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Commerce and Connoisseurship: Isabella Stewart Gardner’s «Catalogue MCM».
17.15-18.00 Mirjam Brusius, German Historical Institute, London
Who Turned Talbot into an Artist? On the Discursive and Physical Spaces of Photography
18.15-19.00 Visita guidata per i relatori con Costanza Caraffa, Ute Dercks, Almut Goldhahn, Julia Bärnighausen
a cura di Andrea Bacchi e Giovanna Capitelli
15 November
Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri
The day of studies welcomes interventions aimed at investigating figures, stories and aspects of art trade in the city which has just become the capital of the Kingdom of Italy before and after the entry into force of Law no. 324 of June 20, 1909. Particular attention will be given to the analysis of survey tools (photographs, archival documentation, sales catalogs, memoirs) that can focus, in a context of many opacity, antique dealers, the international networks of their trade, the dispersion of important Roman historical collections, and the repercussions that such movement of works determines on the development of the history of European and American art.
10.00 Saluto di Andrea Bacchi
direttore Fondazione Federico Zeri
Presiede Flaminia Gennari Santori
direttore Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica di Palazzo Barberini e Galleria Corsini, Roma
Giovanna Capitelli, Università della Calabria
Fonti e documenti per la storia del mercato dell’arte nella Roma post-unitaria
Andrea Bacchi, Fondazione Federico Zeri
Fortuna e sfortuna della scultura barocca nella Roma di D’Annunzio
Simonetta Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Il mercato della grafica: librai-antiquari a Roma
Virginia Napoleone, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
La Galleria Simonetti e la collezione di un grande antiquario romano
Maria Saveria Ruga, Accademia di Belle Arti di Catanzaro, Università della Calabria
Da Roma a Baltimora: la collezione Massarenti
Presiede Gail Feigenbaum
Associate Director, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
Vardui Kalpakcian, storica dell’arte
Gregorio Stroganoff e il mercato dell’arte nella Roma sabauda
Roberto Cobianchi, Università di Messina
Protagonisti e comprimari tra collezionismo e mercato: Castellani, Helbig, Palumbo, Rocchi e Rosa De Angelis
Stefano Grandesso, storico dell’arte
La vendita delle disiecta membra di Palazzo Torlonia a Piazza Venezia
Elisabetta Sambo, Fondazione Federico Zeri
Adolfo Venturi e il mercato: un rapporto problematico
Il mercato dell’arte a Roma nei materiali di Federico Zeri
Percorso guidato con Francesca Mambelli e Elisabetta Sambo, Fondazione Federico Zeri
Ingresso libero
Fondazione Federico Zeri
Piazzetta Giorgio Morandi 2
40125 Bologna
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Fototeca
Via dei Servi 51
50121 Firenze |
Reference: CONF: Il mercato dell’arte in Italia intorno al 1900 (Firenze/Bologna, 14-15 Nov 17). In:, Oct 25, 2017. <>.