CONF: The Limits of Art in the Museum (Madrid, 28-30 Nov 17)

Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia
28-30 November, Madrid (Spain)

MUSACCES Consortium (UCM-UNED-UAM) invites you to attend the International Conference «The Limits of Art in the Museum», which will be held the 28th, 29th and 30th of November in Madrid (Spain).

The Conference aims to create a space of exchange and debate for museum managers, professors, researchers, artists, students and professionals of the cultural world. The frontiers or limits in the conception of art and its shape in museums will be subjects of debate.

Our International Conference has the will to become a forum of reflection about the conceptual problematic of art in the museums nowadays. We hope that the permeability of intellectual frontiers in the different disciplines (Art History, museology, art critics, aesthetics, communication, education, technology, heritage preservation and restoration, etc.) will allow us to caress the limits of art.

