Launched in Fall 2012, the ARTL@S Bulletin is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary journal devoted to spatial and transnational questions in the history of the arts.
It is published by the École normale supérieure (45, rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France) and the Centre national pour la recherche scientifique (16, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France), with the support of the Laboratoire d’Excellence TransferS, Paris, ENS/College de France. The online version of the ARTL@S Bulletin is hosted by Purdue Scholarly Publishing Services.
This is a fantastic resource for art market related papers, available for download. Amongst them are:
- de Maupeou, Félicie and Léa Saint-Raymond. “Les “marchands de tableaux” dans le Bottin du commerce : une approche globale du marché de l’art à Paris entre 1815 et 1955.” Artl@s Bulletin2, no. 2 (2013): Article 7.
This article reconsiders the evolution of the Parisian art market using a homogeneous, stable, and diachronic source: the Bottin du commerce. The systematic study of the “art dealers” section from 1815 to 1955 provides a global perspective on the dynamics of the art trade and the transformations of the profession. After first developing under Louis XVIII, the market stabilizes and structures itself during the Second Empire. It then experiences a slowdown in the 1870s before taking off again and becoming fully competitive in the 1890s. The factors of this evolution are connected to the real economy – national and international – but also to the financial sphere.
- Saint-Raymond, Léa; Félicie de Maupeou; and Julien Cavero. “Les rues des tableaux: The Geography of the Parisian Art Market 1815-1955.” Artl@s Bulletin 5, no. 1 (2016): Article 10.
Building upon a preliminary socioeconomic analysis of the art dealers in Paris between 1815 and 1955 (ARTL@S Bulletin 2, n°2), this paper presents the findings of a spatial study of the Parisian art market in this period. Using serial geographical data drawn from a single, consistent source – the Bottin du commerce – we mapped the spatial evolution of art dealers over 140 years, using a geocoding system with composite locators. The article explores the different spatial dynamics of this market, and seeks to shed light on the links between the evolution of the Parisian economy as a whole and the individual trajectories of its art dealers.
- Fillitz, Thomas. “The Biennial of Dakar and South-South Circulations.” Artl@s Bulletin 5, no. 2 (2016): Article 6.
The Biennale of Dakar is considered as a particular site for examining South-South circulations of artworks. Being the biennial of contemporary African art, only artists from Africa and its Diaspora are eligible for its central, international exhibition. Several factors, however, are strongly influencing these selections, among others the Biennale’s specific selection procedures, as for instance the appointment of the members of the selection committee. Considering critical voices of local artists about the Biennale’s performance will lead to discussing several problems that affect South-South circulations of artworks.