RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), Who Pays?, 2006
“Art = Capital”, once stated Joseph Beuys. He thus summed up in a concise formula what his worldview was: “Human creativity is the true capital.”
Who Pays? takes Beuys’ concept of capital as starting point to question and elucidate the concomitant transformation of meanings and values of money and capital. Who Pays? has gathered artistic positions from the 1960s to the present. They enable us to pursue our ideas of wealth and poverty, of giving and taking, as well as of participation which are nowadays reduced to purely economic aspects from different perspectives.
Artists: Ovidiu Anton – Gianfranco Baruchello – Joseph Beuys – Susanne Bosch –
Marcel Broodthaers – Filipa César – Felix Gonzalez-Torres – David Hammons – Diango Hernández – Thomas Hirschhorn – Anja Kirschner & David Panos – Alicja Kwade – Thomas Lehnerer – Mark Lombardi – RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co) – Christof Salzmann
The exhibition and accompanying programs are cooperations of Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, artsprogram Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen, Zukunftswerkstatt Liechtenstein, as well as Haus Gutenberg, Balzers, Liechtensteinische Kunstgesellschaft, Filmclub im Takino, Schaan, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Schaan, Dialogprojekt Arbogast, Götzis, planoalto Institut, St. Gallen, und TALENTE Vorarlberg.