Graduate Position – 0.5 working time – salary grade E 13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen
Editor for an open access academic journal
Working field:
The candidate will be responsible for establishing the English language open access journal for Art Market Studies. The position’s primary responsibilities revolve around the editorial organization of the journal’s production. This includes: planning the issues in cooperation with the board; communicating with authors; organizing the review-process; and clarifying image copyrights. In addition the editor will be responsible for the setup and maintenance of the editing-software “Open Journal Systems” (in cooperation with the software provider) as well as English language copy editing.
Successful candidates must have completed a university degree (Master, Diplom or equivalent), preferably in a discipline related to art market studies; familiarity and expertise with regard to open access publishing in academia; experience with editorial work and scientific copy editing; native or near native English; experience with software-based editing systems or comparable programs, ideally with “Open Journal Systems;” knowledge of InDesign is desirable. The position requires excellent communication and organizational skills. Applicants should be able to work comfortably in a team as well as independently. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy via Eyke Vonderau,
How to apply:
Please send your application in a single PDF file to Please mark all application materials with the reference number above. Applications by email are strongly preferred; however, applications may also be sent in writing to Technische Universität Berlin – Der Präsident -, Fakultät I, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik, FG Kunstgeschichte, Frau Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy, Sekr. A 56, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin.
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly desired.
Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored.
Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned.
Source Stellenticket TU Berlin