JOB: 2 PhD scholarships, The Research Center for Informal Art (University of Bonn)

The Research Center for Informal Art, established in June 2019 at the Department of Art History at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn, is awarding two PhD scholarships for the next possible date:

Scholarship of the Foundation Reinhard & Sonja Ernst

Scholarship of the MKM-Foundation

The two scholarships are each available for one year. They will initially be awarded for a period of twelve months, with the option to extend them twice for one year after a successful interim evaluation and depending on the consent of the donors. The amount of the scholarships is 1,400 € per month. The granting of travel costs is possible on request and if corresponding budget is available.

Area of Research:

Funding is available for doctoral projects that deal with the Informal Art in all its facets. Transnational comparative perspectives on German, European or non-European Informal Art, the Japanese Gutai group or American Action Painting are just as conceivable as socio-political and cultural-political research approaches and overarching questions from the fields of reception history, image studies, art market research, collection and museum research.


A university degree (Master’s degree) in art history is required for the application. A connection of the research project to the Research Center for Informal Art, for example through supervision of the doctoral project, is desired, but is not a condition to get the grant. There is no obligation to reside in Bonn, but an active participation in the activities and events of the Research Center is desired.

Applications with an 8–10 page synopsis of the research project in German or English (content: research question, methodological considerations, current state of research, work and time schedule, bibliography), curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates, contact details of two references as well as reading samples (max. 10 pages) should be sent electronically in a single PDF file to the secretary’s office of Prof. Dr. Christoph Zuschlag by 31 October 2023 under the keyword “Promotionssstipendium Informel”: Mrs Britta von der Gönna (

For further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Christoph Zuschlag ( or Dr. des. Anne-Kathrin Hinz (

For more information, visit: