galerie denise rené, 196 Boulevard saint germain Paris 7
Denise Vernerey-Laplace (EHESS): ‘Denise René and the Fight for Abstraction. Promoting Abstract Aesthetics (1944-2012)’, 8 March, Paris.
In 1944, a young women called Denise René opened a gallery in her apartment-boutique, rue La Boétie. Little did she know then that her engagement in political and intellectual debates would lead her to vigorously support abstraction and cinetism for fifty years. Her ‘Operation Klar Form’, first organized for Liège in 1951, would over the course of its stations in European capitals take abstraction to the art market, setting the path for the abstract aesthetics of Vasarely, Calder, Tinguely, Agam, Bury, Soto, Schoeffer, as well as widening the spectrum of the kinetic arts in Germany, Venezuela, Argentina, and Spain.
Denise René died at the age of 99, on 9 July 2013. She was active until the very last days of her life. A verbally outspoken person, she hoisted the flag for abstract aesthetics and Op Art with her galleries at rue La Boétie, the Marais, and Saint-Germain.
Venue: GREMA – Groupe de recherche sur le marché de l’art
8 March 2017
Centre Malher de l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
9 rue Malher, salle 106
(M° Saint-Paul)
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