Johannes Nathan (Nathan Fine Art / TU Berlin) : « The Art Market Dictionary – Reflections on the Mapping of a Complex Field »
The Art Market Dictionary (AMD) is the first encompassing reference work on the art market and its historical development. It will provide key information on central agents such as auction houses, commercial galleries, art dealers, and advisers. Each entry will give brief business histories or biographies followed by notes on areas of specialization, artists represented, principal exhibitions and publications as well as significant transactions. The AMD will also list resources with additional information including archives, museums, libraries, databases, and scholarly literature. Where available, it will include relevant illustrations. The project’s first phase covers Europe and North America in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Developed in collaboration with a highly qualified international team of Section Editors, the AMD will feature contributions from specialists worldwide. De Gruyter, the AMD’s publisher, is a Berlin-based academic publisher. Among the databases published by de Gruyter is the Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) the world’s most encompassing database on artists.
Free and public lecture
GREMA – Group de recherche sur le marche d’art – lectures and program
Time: 5 – 7pm
Centre Malher de l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
(M° Saint-Paul, 9 rue Malher, salle 106)