Centre for the Study of the Art and Antiques Market, University of Leeds
Link to Registration: www.csaam.leeds.ac.uk or please click here
The Centre for the Study of the Art and Antiques Market is delighted to announce that registration is now open for an international two-day conference exploring the relationship between the ‘private’ and ‘public’ spheres of the art market and the museum. This interdisciplinary conference offers the opportunity to hear new research in the fields of art market studies, museum studies and the histories of collecting. For any further information please contact the Centre.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Susanna Avery-Quash, Senior Research Curator (History of Collecting) at the National Gallery, London
Registration Closes: 20th March 2017
Leeds Conference Provisional Programme (.pdf, 954 kb)
Conference Poster -2 (.pdf, 1.7MB)