The current issue of «Studi di Memofonte» (access via https://www.memofonte.it/studi-di-memofonte/numero-22-2019/) features selected papers that had been presented at an international workshop at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca on September 18th-19th, 2017 (see https://www.transcultaa.eu/2017/07/27/conf-the-transfer-of-jewish-owned-cultural-objects-lucca-18-19-sep-17/ and https://www.imtlucca.it/transcultaa2017/) in the framework of the HERA project TransCultAA (Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th century) that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 649307.
The workshop was one of the first major academic events that explicitly targeted issues related to Fascist and National Socialist dispossessions in the Italian (and non-Italian) parts of the Alpe Adria Region, intending to take stock of the state of research: What has been achieved, what remains to be done? The majority of the contributions in «Studi di Memofonte» are case studies of private Jewish collections that were looted and dispersed, but partially also protected and returned, in the Alpe Adria Region during and after the Second World War. While special emphasis is devoted to spoliation processes in Trieste, the art market and dealers’ activities between Italy and Germany are also studied.
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