STIP: Alfried Krupp PhD Grant, Historical and Tradition-Based African Art

Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach PhD Grant “Historical and Tradition-Based African Art” 2020
Application deadline: 31 Jul 2020

The Institute of Art History at Freie Universität Berlin will be awarding the fourth Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach PhD Grant for dissertation projects in the field of African art history.

Applicants are invited to submit PhD proposals focusing on historical and tradition-based arts including their repercussions into the present art scene. The research may be designed as co-operation projects with museums or important private collections in Europe as well as in Africa.

The successful candidate is expected to hold an excellent Master’s degree in African art history or related disciplines and show proof of academic excellence. He or she is expected to present an innovative dissertation project which can successfully be completed within the three-year grant period. Research experience in Africa as well as publications or exhibition projects are welcome. The grantee will take up residence in Berlin throughout the grant period and participate in the activities of the Institute of Art History.

Applications are invited from students of all nationalities. Non-native German speakers should show German language proficiency of at least C1 level. The grant will initially be awarded for three years, with an option of a six-month extension. The monthly grant rate is € 1.300. Research stays in African countries are encouraged and supported for six months or less with an additional allowance of up to € 1.000 per month.

Application documents:
– Completed application form
– CV
– Copy of the Master’s thesis
– Copies of published texts
– Proposal of the dissertation project (max. 4.000 words) including a detailed work plan and a schedule
– Copies of university degrees and diplomas
– Letters of Recommendation by two university teachers

Complete application documents (including the Master’s thesis) must be sent electronically in the form of PDF documents to:; or as printout (four examples of each document) to:
Abteilung Kunst Afrikas, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, Koser Str. 20, 14195 Berlin.

Application deadline is July 31, 2020.

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Wendl: