The Center for the History of Collecting encourages and supports the awareness and study of the formation of fine and decorative arts collections in the United States from Colonial times to the present, as well as in Europe from the Renaissance onward, while asserting the relevance of this subject to art and cultural history.

The Center offers short-term junior fellowships (8–10 weeks) for graduate and pre-doctoral students and senior fellowships (8–10 weeks) for post-doctoral and senior scholars. In addition, the Center offers long- term (4–5 months) Leon Levy Fellowships for senior scholars. In all cases, preference is given to researchers whose projects are particularly appropriate to the resources available at the Frick Art Reference Library.
Two short-term fellowships will be granted for Winter/Spring 2019 (January–June), one to a junior scholar, and one to a senior scholar. One long-term Leon Levy Fellowships (one academic semester) will be granted for Winter/Spring 2019. Application forms for Summer/Fall 2019 fellowships must be e-mailed no later than February 11, 2019.
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Good luck!
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