Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Venice, Italy)
Department of Humanities
Creative arts, cultural heritage and digital humanities Cultural heritage
1 grant for a Junior researcher (Young Talent Fellowship)
Application deadline: Mar 30, 2018
Eligible applicants are researchers affiliated with foreign universities, of any nationality with 2–12 years of post-doctoral experience.
These candidates can apply for a Visiting Scholar fellowship lasting 3 months.
The history of the Venice Biennale (Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte) allows to investigate its complex events that can be articulated according to different angles: from the historical and political dynamics of the various National Pavilions to the promotion of international tourism, emerging art and international artistic currents to the fundamental issue of governance and curatorship. This event, introduced in 1895, is indeed the first and the longest in the Art Biennale – a phenomenon that is currently at the heart of a fervent world interest, to the point of influencing what is called the “biennalization” of exhibitions and that currently has about 150 biennial events in various countries, from Havana to Beijng, Odessa to Yokohama. The relevance and breadth of perspective of this theme gives way to analyzing a dense network of international relations, which includes not only artists, art galleries, critics and art experts, but also politicians, intellectuals, journalists, as well as understanding the main artistic development lines, and – through auditing sales office data and works of art loans – the impact on public and private collections. Its relevance is therefore strategic for both a city like Venice, which is the birth of the Biennale for a strategic choice of public management (the study of these issues thus becomes an excellent case study of reference), which to establish relationships with universities and scholars Internationally, because – thanks to the wide spectrum of study opportunities that can be drawn on the history of the Biennale – a large number of scholars are currently interested in investigating the history of the Pavilions, the events of international artists, the reciprocal influences between nations, connecting profitable results to our archives with what they can implement in those of their countries.
Pursued research topic has to be specified in a motivation letter – as suggested in the application form – including objectives and expected outcomes of the research activity.
Candidates must submit their applications by 30th March 2018, 12:00 pm.
Application form: http://www.unive.it/pag/15535/
STIP: History of Venice Biennale, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. In: ArtHist.net, Feb 18, 2018. <https://arthist.net/archive/17404>.